As I walked-in, I saw everyone gossiping. I wondered what happened, so I asked, “What’s up? No work today?”
Billy Boy said, “Network is down and will be back up again in half an hour. So, we are just having a chitchat.”
I went to my seat and turned on the computer.
Sunny Said, “Hey Billy Boy…You’ve got to stop calling me so late. 1 a.m. is not a good time at all.”
I turned around and looked at Billy Boy. I noticed that everyone was looking at Billy Boy.
S.Z. said, “1 a.m.????? Why were you up so late?”
Billy Boy said, “Actually, I didn’t feel like sleeping, so I just went online and started checking our ranking. I got so excited after seeing the ranking of one of our sites that I just picked up the phone and called Sunny.”
I said, “You checked the ranking at 1 a.m.?”
Billy Boy said, “Well, that’s nothing. One night I saw our site in dream and I woke up at 4 a.m. I had a good dream so I turned on the computer and checked the ranking, but I didn’t call Sunny that night.”
Sunny stared at Billy Boy and then said, “Thank you very much!”
I felt sorry for Billy Boy, but as I am a nice person I didn’t say anything.
Ars Alan was there and he always wants to come up with something new and unique.
So, considering Billy Boy’s act as a good thing, he said, “Well! That’s nothing. I checked the ranking on my wedding day on the stage using my BlackBerry.”
Ars Alan really took pride in saying that.
We all looked at Ars Alan and kept looking for a few seconds without blinking our eyes.
Ars Alan Jr. looked calm and he had a smile on his face as though he had achieved something really big.
He said, “That’s nothing. I check the ranking every night from home before going to sleep.”
Sunny took a deep breath and said, “I can’t annouce a winner. You all are winners. Bravo!”
Then…Newbie came to me and whispered, “Hey, why don’t you write something about Maria?”
Ana heard him and said, “Yes, you never wrote anything about her. She just joined our logo design office and you should definitely write something.”
I said, “Well, S.Z. and Billy Boy have already asked me, but I have nothing to write. However, you are welcome to write a guest post.”
Newbie said, “I can help you if you need an idea.”
I asked him how.
Newbie replied, “You know she drives to work. I’ll just take a needle and puncture one of her car tyres. That will be so tight. She will wonder what to do, how to change the flat tyre and how to go home. Then, you will have something to write about.”
Newbie then launged with all his teeth out of his mouth, “Hayhay Hayhay Haha Haha...” He also moved his head while laughing.
Yes…His laugh is weird, totally weird.
As I am a nice person, I don’t like when people bother others.
So, I said to Newbie, “Listen, if you look evil, then it doesn’t mean you should act evil as well. You need to stop acting like that. Don’t bother others. It’s not good.”
As soon as I completed my sentence, S.Z. made an announcement, “Everyone…The network is up. So, let’s get back to work.”
So…Everyone stopped gossiping and we began the work.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Let’s Welcome Newbie in Our Logo Design Office
Remember I told you guys about some tragedies in our logo design office a few days ago? Well, we can now see happiness around us, thanks to our new colleague Newbie (Yes, his name is Newbie). He is very lively.
Sunny provided an unbiased opinion / case study about Newbie.
According to Sunny, “The way Newbie laughs with all his teeth out, he looks more like a clown to me than a Marketing Expert. I believe he has a brighter future in Circus than Marketing.”
According to Billy Boy, “Newbie’s hair style reminds me of my favorite… …” Billy Boy couldn’t complete his sentence as the tears came out of his eyes. He then pulled out his wallet, took out a picture and showed it to me.
I was astonished to see the picture. Billy Boy’s friend (or whatever) had the same hair style as Newbie (S.Z. too once had the same hair style).
Here it is:

Billy Boy sadly said, “I was in love with my little hen. But, one day, hunger took over and I ended up eating it. Now, when I see Newbie, he reminds me of my little hen.”
Let’s hope Billy Body doesn’t slaughter Newbie one day.
According to Ars Alan Jr., “Newbie makes me laugh all the time. Whenever he talks about car racing, I feel like laughing. He doesn’t know what kind of vicious driver I am. I can beat him anytime. He has challenged me to race this Sunday, but I won’t go. I don’t want him to get into an accident and hurt himself. He is funny… hahahaha…”
So, as we can see, Newbie has brought happiness here.
When Sunny sees Newbie, Sunny smiles.
When Billy Boy sees Newbie, he looks at his hair with love as a mother would see her little infant with love and care.
When Ars Alan Jr. sees him, he laughs.
But…How in the world did Newbie manage to make the saddest manager in the world (no other than S.Z.) happy?
Well, I had to play my role for this.
S.Z. was sad as usual and what made him sadder that others were now happy. So, as he knows that I am a nice person, he came to me to get some advice.
S.Z. said, “Ever since Newbie joined, everyone is happy here. How can I feel happy? I am not happy at all?” He was really sad when he said that.
I said, “Listen S.Z., as you are the manager here, don’t you want the jobs of your subordinates to be secure?”
S.Z. said, “Yes, of course. But why are you saying this?”
I said, “Newbie has done you a big favor and you should be happy.”
S.Z. was startled to hear that. He said, “What are you talking about? Come on, tell me what’s up?”
I said, “Listen S.Z., yesterday, I gave newbie a ride to his home. On our way to his place he told me that he was asked to join office on the 15th of November, but he refused and said that he’d join from the 1st of December.”
S.Z. said, “Yes, I know that. But, where is the favor? He had refused to accept my offer.”
I said, “There was a big reason why he had refused it. In the past, for some unknown reasons, he joined three offices on the 15th and all those offices got closed down within 3 months. This is why he didn’t join our logo design office on the 15th. So, you should be happy for what he has done for you and us.”
S.Z. was speechless.
After a few seconds’ silence, S.Z. said, “I knew you’d help me out somehow. You are very kind and nice. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
I said, “Mention not S.Z. Let’s get back to work now.”
After a few minutes, when I looked around I noticed that everyone was smiling and looking at Newbie after every few seconds. I am glad to see my colleagues so happy.
Sunny provided an unbiased opinion / case study about Newbie.
According to Sunny, “The way Newbie laughs with all his teeth out, he looks more like a clown to me than a Marketing Expert. I believe he has a brighter future in Circus than Marketing.”
According to Billy Boy, “Newbie’s hair style reminds me of my favorite… …” Billy Boy couldn’t complete his sentence as the tears came out of his eyes. He then pulled out his wallet, took out a picture and showed it to me.
I was astonished to see the picture. Billy Boy’s friend (or whatever) had the same hair style as Newbie (S.Z. too once had the same hair style).
Here it is:

Billy Boy sadly said, “I was in love with my little hen. But, one day, hunger took over and I ended up eating it. Now, when I see Newbie, he reminds me of my little hen.”
Let’s hope Billy Body doesn’t slaughter Newbie one day.
According to Ars Alan Jr., “Newbie makes me laugh all the time. Whenever he talks about car racing, I feel like laughing. He doesn’t know what kind of vicious driver I am. I can beat him anytime. He has challenged me to race this Sunday, but I won’t go. I don’t want him to get into an accident and hurt himself. He is funny… hahahaha…”
So, as we can see, Newbie has brought happiness here.
When Sunny sees Newbie, Sunny smiles.
When Billy Boy sees Newbie, he looks at his hair with love as a mother would see her little infant with love and care.
When Ars Alan Jr. sees him, he laughs.
But…How in the world did Newbie manage to make the saddest manager in the world (no other than S.Z.) happy?
Well, I had to play my role for this.
S.Z. was sad as usual and what made him sadder that others were now happy. So, as he knows that I am a nice person, he came to me to get some advice.
S.Z. said, “Ever since Newbie joined, everyone is happy here. How can I feel happy? I am not happy at all?” He was really sad when he said that.
I said, “Listen S.Z., as you are the manager here, don’t you want the jobs of your subordinates to be secure?”
S.Z. said, “Yes, of course. But why are you saying this?”
I said, “Newbie has done you a big favor and you should be happy.”
S.Z. was startled to hear that. He said, “What are you talking about? Come on, tell me what’s up?”
I said, “Listen S.Z., yesterday, I gave newbie a ride to his home. On our way to his place he told me that he was asked to join office on the 15th of November, but he refused and said that he’d join from the 1st of December.”
S.Z. said, “Yes, I know that. But, where is the favor? He had refused to accept my offer.”
I said, “There was a big reason why he had refused it. In the past, for some unknown reasons, he joined three offices on the 15th and all those offices got closed down within 3 months. This is why he didn’t join our logo design office on the 15th. So, you should be happy for what he has done for you and us.”
S.Z. was speechless.
After a few seconds’ silence, S.Z. said, “I knew you’d help me out somehow. You are very kind and nice. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
I said, “Mention not S.Z. Let’s get back to work now.”
After a few minutes, when I looked around I noticed that everyone was smiling and looking at Newbie after every few seconds. I am glad to see my colleagues so happy.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Some Tragedies in Our Logo Design Office
I just want to say one thing, “O My Goodness Gracious! What is going on here?”
Why did I say this? Well, because we have been witnessing some tragedies in our very own logo design office.
I could never expect that so many of my colleagues will face some serious problems at the same time. Now, I don’t want to talk about our Asst. Manager S.Z. here because he always has some sort of problem. I think we all should call him ‘Sad’ all the time. Or, since he is sad most of the time, we should make the word longer and call him ‘Saad’ to at least try to understand his anguish.
However, I say, he is a man of honor. He respects people who speak the truth. For example, whenever I share his painful story with the world, he never feels bad, but, in fact, he appreciates it.
One day, he said, “Hey, thanks for sharing my stories. I hope people do pray for me.”
I don’t think if anyone has time to pray for S.Z. But, as I am a nice person, I never said this to him.
Oh well… I didn’t want to talk about S.Z. here, but as he is an influential person, I just couldn’t help it.
Now… Let me tell you about our Social Media Expert Billy Boy. He had a Laser Eye Surgery on Monday. He was already facing some problems due to stress (maybe dedication), and then this tragedy occurred. He loves our Logo Design Office so much that he came to work the very next day. He has to wear glasses now though, but he doesn’t take any days off.
What a dedicated man Billy Boy is! He feels happy when we call him Billy ‘Boy’. He feels 35 years younger.
Anyway… do you remember Ars Alan Jr. who recently joined our Logo Design Office? Well, he couldn’t keep tragedies away from him either. Just yesterday morning, as he was getting off the bus, he tripped and fell. His knee was hurt badly. He couldn’t walk straight as he felt a lot of pain.
As I am a nice person, I gave him a ride… and dropped him off… close to his place. He couldn’t come to work today because of pain. I hope he gets better soon.
Our Jr. Content Writer Ms. Ana also faced a tragedy. Well, she wrote content for a client on Tuesday. The client gave a ‘little’ negative feedback and she felt very depressed. Even though it was a first-draft and it’s normal that clients ask for revisions, but she was very sad.
Let’s hope she gets better soon, because it was not a big deal, really.
Our very own Sunny is in tension as well. He was recently confirmed as a permanent employee and the thought of throwing a party for colleagues has been deteriorating his health even more.
As I am a nice person, all I want to say is that we don’t need a party. His health is more important to us. So what if he is stingy? We need to leave him alone.
Now, let’s talk about our IT Network boy Zee Shake. He got a hair-cut this week. He gets a hair-cut once in 6 months. So, this is a very honorable month now. His long hair served as an abode for lots of little insects, for example, little spiders, roaches, ants, and so on. Had he used some Shampoo in last 6 months, he could have got rid of them.
Well, keeping the jokes aside, how did he finally decide to get a hair-cut this month? Well, Tem and Aamir in design department actually collected some money, gave it to him and begged him to get a hair-cut.
But then… there are a couple of people who are really happy. They are: Al (Designer) and Ars Alan.
Around 6pm yesterday, Al saw me, said Hi to me. He was smiling and couldn’t keep his teeth inside his mouth. He was very happy. I need to sit with him and take a 5-minute interview. This way I’ll be able to share his ‘Secret to Happiness’ with others.
Why is Ars Alan happy? Well, he is getting married today. I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend his marriage ceremony, but I’ll try my best.
Let’s hope and pray that things get better for everyone.
Why did I say this? Well, because we have been witnessing some tragedies in our very own logo design office.
I could never expect that so many of my colleagues will face some serious problems at the same time. Now, I don’t want to talk about our Asst. Manager S.Z. here because he always has some sort of problem. I think we all should call him ‘Sad’ all the time. Or, since he is sad most of the time, we should make the word longer and call him ‘Saad’ to at least try to understand his anguish.
However, I say, he is a man of honor. He respects people who speak the truth. For example, whenever I share his painful story with the world, he never feels bad, but, in fact, he appreciates it.
One day, he said, “Hey, thanks for sharing my stories. I hope people do pray for me.”
I don’t think if anyone has time to pray for S.Z. But, as I am a nice person, I never said this to him.
Oh well… I didn’t want to talk about S.Z. here, but as he is an influential person, I just couldn’t help it.
Now… Let me tell you about our Social Media Expert Billy Boy. He had a Laser Eye Surgery on Monday. He was already facing some problems due to stress (maybe dedication), and then this tragedy occurred. He loves our Logo Design Office so much that he came to work the very next day. He has to wear glasses now though, but he doesn’t take any days off.
What a dedicated man Billy Boy is! He feels happy when we call him Billy ‘Boy’. He feels 35 years younger.
Anyway… do you remember Ars Alan Jr. who recently joined our Logo Design Office? Well, he couldn’t keep tragedies away from him either. Just yesterday morning, as he was getting off the bus, he tripped and fell. His knee was hurt badly. He couldn’t walk straight as he felt a lot of pain.
As I am a nice person, I gave him a ride… and dropped him off… close to his place. He couldn’t come to work today because of pain. I hope he gets better soon.
Our Jr. Content Writer Ms. Ana also faced a tragedy. Well, she wrote content for a client on Tuesday. The client gave a ‘little’ negative feedback and she felt very depressed. Even though it was a first-draft and it’s normal that clients ask for revisions, but she was very sad.
Let’s hope she gets better soon, because it was not a big deal, really.
Our very own Sunny is in tension as well. He was recently confirmed as a permanent employee and the thought of throwing a party for colleagues has been deteriorating his health even more.
As I am a nice person, all I want to say is that we don’t need a party. His health is more important to us. So what if he is stingy? We need to leave him alone.
Now, let’s talk about our IT Network boy Zee Shake. He got a hair-cut this week. He gets a hair-cut once in 6 months. So, this is a very honorable month now. His long hair served as an abode for lots of little insects, for example, little spiders, roaches, ants, and so on. Had he used some Shampoo in last 6 months, he could have got rid of them.
Well, keeping the jokes aside, how did he finally decide to get a hair-cut this month? Well, Tem and Aamir in design department actually collected some money, gave it to him and begged him to get a hair-cut.
But then… there are a couple of people who are really happy. They are: Al (Designer) and Ars Alan.
Around 6pm yesterday, Al saw me, said Hi to me. He was smiling and couldn’t keep his teeth inside his mouth. He was very happy. I need to sit with him and take a 5-minute interview. This way I’ll be able to share his ‘Secret to Happiness’ with others.
Why is Ars Alan happy? Well, he is getting married today. I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend his marriage ceremony, but I’ll try my best.
Let’s hope and pray that things get better for everyone.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Happy and Sad Day in Logo Design Office
Today, we heard an awesome news in our logo design office that our very own Mr. Accountant has been blessed with a son.
When Billy Boy told me in the morning, I thought he was joking. So, I directly asked Mr. Accountant. As I entered the cafeteria, he saw me and came to me.
I said hi to him and asked him, “I heard something today… Is it right?”
He replied, “Yes.”
So, I congratulated him. He looked happy and, of course, he should be.
We all pray for his little ‘toy’ that May he be blessed with sound health and happiness.
Now, having said that…We noticed a sad person in our logo design office too and he was no other than our SEO dude Sunny.
Sunny is a jolly good fellow but he looked really sad. I wondered what happened to him.
So, as I am a nice person, I thought I should ask him.
I went to him and asked, “Hey Sunny Bunny, today you don’t look funny. What’s up mate? Who beat you up today?”
He took a deep breath and said, “Nah man, nothing. No beating today. I am fine.”
I realized something was not right.
I said nicely, “Sunny, you don’t look ok to me. If something is bothering you, you can share with me. You know how I have helped out S.Z. and Billy Boy in the past. I am sure I will be able to help you as well.”
Sunny looked at me and said, “I don’t know if I should tell you or not. But, yes, you are right. I am sad today.”
I said, “We all feel sad Sunny. So, it’s normal. But, you need to tell me what is bothering you so I will try to help you. If you are taking drugs, then still tell me.”
Sunny said, “No, I don’t take drugs. Even though my health has been deteriorating and I am shrinking day by day, but I assure you that I am not on drugs.”
He continued, “It’s just that I wonder when I’ll become a husband.”
He looked down after saying that. Maybe he was trying to hold his tears.
After a few seconds he again took a deep breath and said, “When I was in school, my friends used to dream about becoming doctors, pilots and engineers, but I always dreamed about becoming a husband.”
Now, I realized why he was sad.
I wondered why in the world then he became an SEO.
But…As I am a nice person, I didn’t say this to him.
I said, “Sunny, listen. You have been infected by Bachelor-o-phobia just like S.Z. I didn’t know it was so contagious.”
Sunny stayed quiet for a few seconds and then said, “Yes, you are right. I am talking like S.Z. now.”
As I had to console him, I said, “No Sunny. You never talked like this before. So, you seem to be in the initial stages. With proper meditation as well as medication, I am sure you will start feeling normal soon. Hey, it’s good to get married, but feeling sad like this is not good buddy, this is what you need to take care of.”
Sunny again took a deep breath… But this time Billy Boy screamed and said, “This is enough Sunny. Stop breathing like this.” Then Billy Boy picked up an air-freshener and started spraying.
I thanked Billy Boy in my heart, but didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to hurt Sunny’s feelings.
Let’s hope Sunny gets better soon.
When Billy Boy told me in the morning, I thought he was joking. So, I directly asked Mr. Accountant. As I entered the cafeteria, he saw me and came to me.
I said hi to him and asked him, “I heard something today… Is it right?”
He replied, “Yes.”
So, I congratulated him. He looked happy and, of course, he should be.
We all pray for his little ‘toy’ that May he be blessed with sound health and happiness.
Now, having said that…We noticed a sad person in our logo design office too and he was no other than our SEO dude Sunny.
Sunny is a jolly good fellow but he looked really sad. I wondered what happened to him.
So, as I am a nice person, I thought I should ask him.
I went to him and asked, “Hey Sunny Bunny, today you don’t look funny. What’s up mate? Who beat you up today?”
He took a deep breath and said, “Nah man, nothing. No beating today. I am fine.”
I realized something was not right.
I said nicely, “Sunny, you don’t look ok to me. If something is bothering you, you can share with me. You know how I have helped out S.Z. and Billy Boy in the past. I am sure I will be able to help you as well.”
Sunny looked at me and said, “I don’t know if I should tell you or not. But, yes, you are right. I am sad today.”
I said, “We all feel sad Sunny. So, it’s normal. But, you need to tell me what is bothering you so I will try to help you. If you are taking drugs, then still tell me.”
Sunny said, “No, I don’t take drugs. Even though my health has been deteriorating and I am shrinking day by day, but I assure you that I am not on drugs.”
He continued, “It’s just that I wonder when I’ll become a husband.”
He looked down after saying that. Maybe he was trying to hold his tears.
After a few seconds he again took a deep breath and said, “When I was in school, my friends used to dream about becoming doctors, pilots and engineers, but I always dreamed about becoming a husband.”
Now, I realized why he was sad.
I wondered why in the world then he became an SEO.
But…As I am a nice person, I didn’t say this to him.
I said, “Sunny, listen. You have been infected by Bachelor-o-phobia just like S.Z. I didn’t know it was so contagious.”
Sunny stayed quiet for a few seconds and then said, “Yes, you are right. I am talking like S.Z. now.”
As I had to console him, I said, “No Sunny. You never talked like this before. So, you seem to be in the initial stages. With proper meditation as well as medication, I am sure you will start feeling normal soon. Hey, it’s good to get married, but feeling sad like this is not good buddy, this is what you need to take care of.”
Sunny again took a deep breath… But this time Billy Boy screamed and said, “This is enough Sunny. Stop breathing like this.” Then Billy Boy picked up an air-freshener and started spraying.
I thanked Billy Boy in my heart, but didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to hurt Sunny’s feelings.
Let’s hope Sunny gets better soon.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Amazing Ars Alan Jr.
I have got to share an amazing news with you all today. A few days ago I had told everyone that Ars Alan was getting married and S.Z. was really sad. Well, guess what… We have another Ars Alan in the department and he is not married either… just like S.Z.
We call him Ars Alan Jr. What a coincidence!
He is older than Ars Alan, but junior in position. So, our Assistant Manager S.Z. can now look up to him and console himself.
Ars Alan Jr. has some amazing qualities. One unique quality is that he can predict an adversity long before it occurs. Three weeks ago, when he joined our logo design office, he told us that something terrible would happen. He advised us all to be cautious. He was walking and running here and there in anxiety (as though he had an upset stomach).
He even went home early and told us to follow his footsteps.
Would you guys like to know how right he was and what happened that day?
The answer is: Nothing! Yes, nothing happened that day.
But…I tell you…He is an amazing person.
He is very knowledgeable and makes claims that the masters in his industry won’t even make. (Yes, he is that good).
Not only he is good at what he does, he also tries to help out Billy Boy (who is recovering from a unique illness) by advising him how he can improve his campaigns. Does Billy follow his instructions? Well, only Billy can answer this question.
Why am I telling everyone about Ars Alan Jr. today?
Well, because, today, he told me again that something bad would happen.
My car took a long time to start in the morning. I hope it starts in the evening when I get off. I hope he didn’t give me a signal that something would happen to my car.
What will happen? Will something happen to him or someone else?
Ars Alan Jr. doesn’t even know the answer. I hope the same thing happens again, like last time, i.e. Nothing!
We call him Ars Alan Jr. What a coincidence!
He is older than Ars Alan, but junior in position. So, our Assistant Manager S.Z. can now look up to him and console himself.
Ars Alan Jr. has some amazing qualities. One unique quality is that he can predict an adversity long before it occurs. Three weeks ago, when he joined our logo design office, he told us that something terrible would happen. He advised us all to be cautious. He was walking and running here and there in anxiety (as though he had an upset stomach).
He even went home early and told us to follow his footsteps.
Would you guys like to know how right he was and what happened that day?
The answer is: Nothing! Yes, nothing happened that day.
But…I tell you…He is an amazing person.
He is very knowledgeable and makes claims that the masters in his industry won’t even make. (Yes, he is that good).
Not only he is good at what he does, he also tries to help out Billy Boy (who is recovering from a unique illness) by advising him how he can improve his campaigns. Does Billy follow his instructions? Well, only Billy can answer this question.
Why am I telling everyone about Ars Alan Jr. today?
Well, because, today, he told me again that something bad would happen.
My car took a long time to start in the morning. I hope it starts in the evening when I get off. I hope he didn’t give me a signal that something would happen to my car.
What will happen? Will something happen to him or someone else?
Ars Alan Jr. doesn’t even know the answer. I hope the same thing happens again, like last time, i.e. Nothing!
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
An Interview with Zee Shake… About Upcoming Cricket Match
Our Logo Design Office is going to have a cricket match with another team this Saturday and the most excited person is… no other than our very own Zee Shake!
So, we thought about having a talk with Zee Shake. As we were thinking, Zee Shake walked in to our department to get a print-out. It was a golden opportunity for us to discover his views. So, we took a short 5-minute interview.
All players are excited and willingly contributing (to book the ground, buy food and water, etc.), but when Sunny asked Zee Shake to contribute, his voice started shaking. It seemed like he was not willing to contribute. He said, “Let’s not buy mineral water and save money. I will bring my water from home. You all should do the same.”
We all said… Hmmm… It’s good to save money, but it’s not good to be… Hmmm… Oh well.
Zee Shake also said, “Wiki and Amir will come with me. So, I will have them contribute in Gas money as well.” I wonder what Zee Shake will do with all the money as he doesn’t like to spend money at all.
Zee Shake was so concerned about his money that he asked Billy Boy, “We will play, right? We won’t lose the money, right? You have booked the ground already; I hope in case of a problem we’ll get the money back, right?”
According to Billy Boy, Zee Shake is a dangerous cricketer. How? Well, when Billy Boy asked him if he was a batsman or bowler, Zee Shake bragged, “I am equally good at both batting and bowling. I am an excellent spinner and I bat really well too.” When we heard this, we did our best to control our laugh.
Zee Shake laughed at our Accountant Guy. He said, “Will he come? If so, how will he run? Hahahaha…” I wonder how our Mr. Accountant will react after he finds out. Hmmm…
Well, I wonder how Zee Shake will run. His girly walk is funny and he will look funnier when he will run.
According to S.Z., “Zee Shake takes small steps. So, it will take him twice as much time as regular runner will take to reach the wicket.”
So… We have learned that Zee Shake doesn’t want to spend any money and he brags a lot about his Cricket skills. Now, this Saturday we all will find out how good he is… * i.e. if he gets a chance to bat or bowl *
All the best Zee Shake!
So, we thought about having a talk with Zee Shake. As we were thinking, Zee Shake walked in to our department to get a print-out. It was a golden opportunity for us to discover his views. So, we took a short 5-minute interview.
All players are excited and willingly contributing (to book the ground, buy food and water, etc.), but when Sunny asked Zee Shake to contribute, his voice started shaking. It seemed like he was not willing to contribute. He said, “Let’s not buy mineral water and save money. I will bring my water from home. You all should do the same.”
We all said… Hmmm… It’s good to save money, but it’s not good to be… Hmmm… Oh well.
Zee Shake also said, “Wiki and Amir will come with me. So, I will have them contribute in Gas money as well.” I wonder what Zee Shake will do with all the money as he doesn’t like to spend money at all.
Zee Shake was so concerned about his money that he asked Billy Boy, “We will play, right? We won’t lose the money, right? You have booked the ground already; I hope in case of a problem we’ll get the money back, right?”
According to Billy Boy, Zee Shake is a dangerous cricketer. How? Well, when Billy Boy asked him if he was a batsman or bowler, Zee Shake bragged, “I am equally good at both batting and bowling. I am an excellent spinner and I bat really well too.” When we heard this, we did our best to control our laugh.
Zee Shake laughed at our Accountant Guy. He said, “Will he come? If so, how will he run? Hahahaha…” I wonder how our Mr. Accountant will react after he finds out. Hmmm…
Well, I wonder how Zee Shake will run. His girly walk is funny and he will look funnier when he will run.
According to S.Z., “Zee Shake takes small steps. So, it will take him twice as much time as regular runner will take to reach the wicket.”
So… We have learned that Zee Shake doesn’t want to spend any money and he brags a lot about his Cricket skills. Now, this Saturday we all will find out how good he is… * i.e. if he gets a chance to bat or bowl *
All the best Zee Shake!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Impact of SEO and Logos on Billy Boy's Personal Life
Remember our Social Media Specialist Billy Boy? Yes, the same Billy Boy in our logo design office with small eyes and chubby cheeks.
We recently found out that he was 120% dedicated to his work. How? Well, because logos, blogging and SEO are now affecting his personal life. How do we know that? Let me explain…
Just yesterday he was sitting and staring at his monitor. It was obvious that he was daydreaming. As I am a nice person, I got worried that what happened to my good friend.
So, I went to him and asked him politely, “What happened Billy? Why you look so worried?”
Billy Boy said, “Nothing mate! I am cool.”
I said, “Billy, you can’t hide your emotions, something is not right. I hope your father didn’t beat you up again as you are now a grown-up and married man.”
Billy Boy sighed and said, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I concentrate so much on my work that it has affected my personal life.”
He continued, “For example, my sister asked me to write an application for her and I ended up writing a blog post.”
I felt sorry for my good friend Billy Boy because of his mental condition.
Billy Boy continued, “Then my little cousin asked me to nicely write his name on his notebook and I drew a logo of his name.”
“Even worse…I told my father that his distant cousin was not a good man, so he should be tagged as NoFollow and let’s make a list of NoFollow and DoFollow relatives.” Billy Boy then took a deep breath.
I realized that Billy Boy was mentally stressed and too much work had a negative impact on his brain.
I said, “It’s all good Billy Boy. You are normal. It’s just that you have been working too hard.”
Billy Boy said, “Let me tell you one more incident. I went to Sainsbury’s and there was a long line at the counter. So, I started talking to people one by one and started moving forward. People got angry and told me not to be too smart and go back to the end of the line. See, I was doing link building so I could optimize myself to secure the first position in the line, but my strategy was probably not good.”
Now, I realized that this is a very serious matter and I may not be able to help Billy Boy.
As I am a nice person, I thought about consoling him.
I said, “Just relax buddy. I suggest you take a few days off and go out of town with your family to relax. Just try to meditate for a few minutes every day to clear your mind. This will give rest to your mind and it won’t affect your personal life.”
Billy Boy looked down for a few seconds and then said, “You are right mate! I should start meditating. You are indeed a life saver. Thank you very much mate, thank you very much!”
I said, “Mention not Billy Boy. I am always available for counseling. Let’s get back to work now.”
Let’s hope Billy Boy starts feeling better soon.
We recently found out that he was 120% dedicated to his work. How? Well, because logos, blogging and SEO are now affecting his personal life. How do we know that? Let me explain…
Just yesterday he was sitting and staring at his monitor. It was obvious that he was daydreaming. As I am a nice person, I got worried that what happened to my good friend.
So, I went to him and asked him politely, “What happened Billy? Why you look so worried?”
Billy Boy said, “Nothing mate! I am cool.”
I said, “Billy, you can’t hide your emotions, something is not right. I hope your father didn’t beat you up again as you are now a grown-up and married man.”
Billy Boy sighed and said, “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I concentrate so much on my work that it has affected my personal life.”
He continued, “For example, my sister asked me to write an application for her and I ended up writing a blog post.”
I felt sorry for my good friend Billy Boy because of his mental condition.
Billy Boy continued, “Then my little cousin asked me to nicely write his name on his notebook and I drew a logo of his name.”
“Even worse…I told my father that his distant cousin was not a good man, so he should be tagged as NoFollow and let’s make a list of NoFollow and DoFollow relatives.” Billy Boy then took a deep breath.
I realized that Billy Boy was mentally stressed and too much work had a negative impact on his brain.
I said, “It’s all good Billy Boy. You are normal. It’s just that you have been working too hard.”
Billy Boy said, “Let me tell you one more incident. I went to Sainsbury’s and there was a long line at the counter. So, I started talking to people one by one and started moving forward. People got angry and told me not to be too smart and go back to the end of the line. See, I was doing link building so I could optimize myself to secure the first position in the line, but my strategy was probably not good.”
Now, I realized that this is a very serious matter and I may not be able to help Billy Boy.
As I am a nice person, I thought about consoling him.
I said, “Just relax buddy. I suggest you take a few days off and go out of town with your family to relax. Just try to meditate for a few minutes every day to clear your mind. This will give rest to your mind and it won’t affect your personal life.”
Billy Boy looked down for a few seconds and then said, “You are right mate! I should start meditating. You are indeed a life saver. Thank you very much mate, thank you very much!”
I said, “Mention not Billy Boy. I am always available for counseling. Let’s get back to work now.”
Let’s hope Billy Boy starts feeling better soon.
funny blog,
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logo design,
office humor
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
S.Z. and Pain - A Sad Story
Remember how our ‘once Affiliate Boy, now Assistant Manager’ S.Z. was sad a few months back because he was getting older and was still not married and to turn his sad day into a happy day I had told him that how Ars Alan was not married either in our department?
Well, I don’t have words to share what is going to happen soon. It will be a great event for Ars Alan, but it will increase S.Z.’s pain even more now.
Yes, you’ve got it… Ars Alan is getting married now and even though S.Z. has done his Master’s, he is still a Bachelor.
This has not only affected S.Z. mentally, but it has affected him physically as well. He is so sad and stressed that he even strained his back muscles in the gym.
“How? What Happened? Did something happen in the Logo Design Office?” You may wonder.
Well, S.Z. has been telling us some technical things about his back, but to be honest with you we could never understand his technical explanation.
The only viable explanation we have is that while working out, he was sad and he lifted more weights than he was supposed to and he strained some back muscles badly.
He is unable to walk straight now. As S.Z. is engaged, I wonder how his Father-in-Law will react when he sees him walk like an old man. Let’s hope and pray that this secret is never revealed and S.Z. gets better soon.
When Billy Boy sees him, he always laughs with his eyes closed and mouth wide open. I think this is not good. He shouldn’t laugh like this (in front of him I mean). This may hurt S.Z.’s feelings more as he is already going through a lot of mental and physical pain.
Let’s hope and pray he gets better soon.
Well, I don’t have words to share what is going to happen soon. It will be a great event for Ars Alan, but it will increase S.Z.’s pain even more now.
Yes, you’ve got it… Ars Alan is getting married now and even though S.Z. has done his Master’s, he is still a Bachelor.
This has not only affected S.Z. mentally, but it has affected him physically as well. He is so sad and stressed that he even strained his back muscles in the gym.
“How? What Happened? Did something happen in the Logo Design Office?” You may wonder.
Well, S.Z. has been telling us some technical things about his back, but to be honest with you we could never understand his technical explanation.
The only viable explanation we have is that while working out, he was sad and he lifted more weights than he was supposed to and he strained some back muscles badly.
He is unable to walk straight now. As S.Z. is engaged, I wonder how his Father-in-Law will react when he sees him walk like an old man. Let’s hope and pray that this secret is never revealed and S.Z. gets better soon.
When Billy Boy sees him, he always laughs with his eyes closed and mouth wide open. I think this is not good. He shouldn’t laugh like this (in front of him I mean). This may hurt S.Z.’s feelings more as he is already going through a lot of mental and physical pain.
Let’s hope and pray he gets better soon.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Monday, May 24, 2010
Why Did I.D. Wear Lenses in Logo Design Office?
I.D. looked different today. Well, not in appearance, but in terms of how he was looking at things. He was actually staring at things to find out what he was looking at. I noticed that he was not wearing his glasses, so I asked him what happened to his glasses.
He said, “I am wearing lenses.”
He looked all red and shy when he said that. Plus, he said it so slowly that I couldn’t hear him. So, I had to ask him again.
He is shy, but it seems like that he wants to be stylish now.
He is probably following those celebrities who can’t take the fact that they are growing older. So, they do all kinds of things to look younger.
May be, I.D. is realizing that he is getting older and he is unable to bear this fact either.
Even though he wore lenses to replace his glasses, but one’s nature can never be replaced.
Just a few minutes ago, I noticed that he was wearing blue jeans, blue T-Shirt and looking at the wall with his head a bit tilted and mouth open.
So, in order to be stylish, he has a lot to learn.
So, Dear I.D., wearing lenses is not enough. Consult with S.Z. to learn catwalk (as he did just now unintentionally and everyone laughed. May be fashion is embedded in his veins).
Well, we are sill not sure why he wore lenses. This is yet an unsolved mystery in our logo design office.
Where does he have to go after work? Or did he break his glasses again like last time (when he ran to hide in bathroom and slipped)?
If he just wanted to impress us, then we are certainly not impressed.
So, let’s hope this mystery is solved soon.
He said, “I am wearing lenses.”
He looked all red and shy when he said that. Plus, he said it so slowly that I couldn’t hear him. So, I had to ask him again.
He is shy, but it seems like that he wants to be stylish now.
He is probably following those celebrities who can’t take the fact that they are growing older. So, they do all kinds of things to look younger.
May be, I.D. is realizing that he is getting older and he is unable to bear this fact either.
Even though he wore lenses to replace his glasses, but one’s nature can never be replaced.
Just a few minutes ago, I noticed that he was wearing blue jeans, blue T-Shirt and looking at the wall with his head a bit tilted and mouth open.
So, in order to be stylish, he has a lot to learn.
So, Dear I.D., wearing lenses is not enough. Consult with S.Z. to learn catwalk (as he did just now unintentionally and everyone laughed. May be fashion is embedded in his veins).
Well, we are sill not sure why he wore lenses. This is yet an unsolved mystery in our logo design office.
Where does he have to go after work? Or did he break his glasses again like last time (when he ran to hide in bathroom and slipped)?
If he just wanted to impress us, then we are certainly not impressed.
So, let’s hope this mystery is solved soon.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Monday, April 26, 2010
I.D. Asks Us – Why Me?
Our fellow e-marketer I.D. is a very nice person and, probably, this is the reason why all of us in the Marketing Department tease him all the time.
Whenever he says something, Billy Boy interrupts him with these words, “We can’t hear you. Don’t be shy. Speak up!”
Mr. Right says, “Hey, I.D. why…” Well, I think I shouldn’t say what Mr. Right says. It won’t be nice to publicly humiliate our very own I.D.
However, S.Z. wonders all the time that why I.D. spends a lot of quality time in the bathroom.
One day, S.Z. said to me, “May be, I.D. is not allowed to use the bathroom at home. This is why he spends a lot of time in bathroom here, so he can remember his bathroom.”
I said, “Well, S.Z. if you are saying this from personal experience, then I believe you, otherwise, I.D. looks like a normal person to me.”
Oh well, who knows…I may be wrong!
So… Due to too much teasing, one day I.D. finally asked us, “Why me? Why do you guys make fun of me all the time? Don’t I have a right to work peacefully in our logo design office?”
Mr. Right said, “Well, we will think about NOT making fun of you, if you stop bringing your Pink comb to work. This is girls’ color. The color of your comb looks similar to the color of Sara’s hand bag. So, please change yourself first.”
Billy Boy laughed with his eyes closed and said, “I hope you don’t wear red socks. Hahahaha… hey, let me see your socks… Hahahaha”
Sunny laughed and said, “You are the man Billy Boy. Keep it up!”
Ars Alan said, “But he wears red glasses. Hahahaha… Hey, can’t you get normal glasses?”
It seemed like I.D. will start crying shortly.
So, as I am a nice person, I said, “Listen I.D., you need to start acting like a man. You need to stop using your pink comb and wearing red glasses. Out of all the colors in the world, why did you choose pink and red? Come on I.D., be a man.”
I also apologized to him, “I am sorry for saying this, please forgive me, but I am just being honest with you sister… Oh, I mean brother.”
I.D. stood up and started walking towards the door.
Sunny asked, “Where are you going? Please don’t hang yourself in the HR department.”
I.D. said, “Don’t worry… I am just going to get some water.”
S.Z. said, “I think you are going to the bathroom. It’s ok. No need to lie to us.”
I.D. looked at S.Z. angrily and walked out of the room.
As I am a nice person, I asked everyone in the department to stop teasing him for sometime. Let’s see what happens.
Whenever he says something, Billy Boy interrupts him with these words, “We can’t hear you. Don’t be shy. Speak up!”
Mr. Right says, “Hey, I.D. why…” Well, I think I shouldn’t say what Mr. Right says. It won’t be nice to publicly humiliate our very own I.D.
However, S.Z. wonders all the time that why I.D. spends a lot of quality time in the bathroom.
One day, S.Z. said to me, “May be, I.D. is not allowed to use the bathroom at home. This is why he spends a lot of time in bathroom here, so he can remember his bathroom.”
I said, “Well, S.Z. if you are saying this from personal experience, then I believe you, otherwise, I.D. looks like a normal person to me.”
Oh well, who knows…I may be wrong!
So… Due to too much teasing, one day I.D. finally asked us, “Why me? Why do you guys make fun of me all the time? Don’t I have a right to work peacefully in our logo design office?”
Mr. Right said, “Well, we will think about NOT making fun of you, if you stop bringing your Pink comb to work. This is girls’ color. The color of your comb looks similar to the color of Sara’s hand bag. So, please change yourself first.”
Billy Boy laughed with his eyes closed and said, “I hope you don’t wear red socks. Hahahaha… hey, let me see your socks… Hahahaha”
Sunny laughed and said, “You are the man Billy Boy. Keep it up!”
Ars Alan said, “But he wears red glasses. Hahahaha… Hey, can’t you get normal glasses?”
It seemed like I.D. will start crying shortly.
So, as I am a nice person, I said, “Listen I.D., you need to start acting like a man. You need to stop using your pink comb and wearing red glasses. Out of all the colors in the world, why did you choose pink and red? Come on I.D., be a man.”
I also apologized to him, “I am sorry for saying this, please forgive me, but I am just being honest with you sister… Oh, I mean brother.”
I.D. stood up and started walking towards the door.
Sunny asked, “Where are you going? Please don’t hang yourself in the HR department.”
I.D. said, “Don’t worry… I am just going to get some water.”
S.Z. said, “I think you are going to the bathroom. It’s ok. No need to lie to us.”
I.D. looked at S.Z. angrily and walked out of the room.
As I am a nice person, I asked everyone in the department to stop teasing him for sometime. Let’s see what happens.
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logo design,
office humor
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
S.Z.’s New Look and 2 New Role Models
S.Z. has changed a lot. He looks different. We asked S.Z. about the change, but he seemed ashamed of telling us about his role model. However, after a lot of questioning, we were able to find out why he looked different.
The first thing that we learned was that he had not just 1 role model, but 2 role models. Yes, he got so much inspired by one that he changed his hair style. The same way, he got inspired by another one and finally removed his braces. Yes, S.Z. has removed his braces.
But… Who are those 2 role models of S.Z.?
Well, interestingly, they are not humans. S.Z. is now inspired by birds and animals (as we learned from S.Z.).
He recently changed his hair style and his head and hair now look similar to this:
S.Z.’s Role Model # 1:
You see S.Z.’s hair standing up just like the red part on the head in the picture below:

Another thing to note is that S.Z. is also skinny, so this picture really portrays him nicely:

Now, before we talk about S.Z.’s Role Model # 2, let’s see how S.Z.’s teeth looked before he got braces:

This is how S.Z. looked in braces (I mean S.Z.’s teeth looked, not S.Z.):

Now, having said that, let’s take a look at S.Z.’s 2nd role model. You may then decide whether S.Z. has turned his dream into reality or not:
S.Z.’s Role Model # 2:

Question: Has S.Z. managed to make his teeth look like his role model?
You be the judge!
Let me share a secret with you all now…
S.Z. has another Role Model as well.
Yes, he hasn’t disclosed this secret yet.
He is now planning to look like his 3rd Role Model.
Let me share the picture of S.Z.’s latest Role Model now:
S.Z.’s Role Model # 3:
This is how you may see S.Z. in the future:

When will he come to our logo design office in his new getup? Well, I don’t know, only S.Z. can tell us.
So, S.Z., all the best!
The first thing that we learned was that he had not just 1 role model, but 2 role models. Yes, he got so much inspired by one that he changed his hair style. The same way, he got inspired by another one and finally removed his braces. Yes, S.Z. has removed his braces.
But… Who are those 2 role models of S.Z.?
Well, interestingly, they are not humans. S.Z. is now inspired by birds and animals (as we learned from S.Z.).
He recently changed his hair style and his head and hair now look similar to this:
S.Z.’s Role Model # 1:
You see S.Z.’s hair standing up just like the red part on the head in the picture below:

Another thing to note is that S.Z. is also skinny, so this picture really portrays him nicely:

Now, before we talk about S.Z.’s Role Model # 2, let’s see how S.Z.’s teeth looked before he got braces:

This is how S.Z. looked in braces (I mean S.Z.’s teeth looked, not S.Z.):

Now, having said that, let’s take a look at S.Z.’s 2nd role model. You may then decide whether S.Z. has turned his dream into reality or not:
S.Z.’s Role Model # 2:

Question: Has S.Z. managed to make his teeth look like his role model?
You be the judge!
Let me share a secret with you all now…
S.Z. has another Role Model as well.
Yes, he hasn’t disclosed this secret yet.
He is now planning to look like his 3rd Role Model.
Let me share the picture of S.Z.’s latest Role Model now:
S.Z.’s Role Model # 3:
This is how you may see S.Z. in the future:

When will he come to our logo design office in his new getup? Well, I don’t know, only S.Z. can tell us.
So, S.Z., all the best!
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Ars Alan Took Revenge Outside the Logo Design Office
Remember Ars Alan? Yes, our skilled SEO expert who was brutally beaten by two tall guys when he was going to his friend’s house to see a custom logo design.
Well, he finally took revenge… and he made those guys pay back right outside our logo design office.
When we first heard that Ars Alan was beaten, we all were shocked. Why? Well, because Ars Alan is a vicious fighter, I tell you. It was due to pain in his ankle that he couldn’t teach a good lesson to those guys.
He once had a fight at a bus stop near his friend’s house where he alone beat 4 guys and one of them even had a knife.
So, the other day, we all were doing our work. All of a sudden, Billy Boy said to Ars Alan, “So, Ars Alan, did your wounds heal yet?”
Ars Alan looked at him, but didn’t say anything.
Billy Boy smiled with his eyes closed, like this:

Ars Alan ignored him.
Then… the lunch hour came. Ars Alan got up and left the office to buy some food. Billy Boy followed him, so he would make fun of Ars Alan and buy some food as well.
Usually they return within 15-20 minutes, but that day it took them 40-45 minutes. When Ars Alan walked-in, he was sweating, but he had a smile on his face. Billy Boy was serious and quiet as though it’s been years since he smiled or laughed.
Sara asked Ars Alan, “What happened? Is everything ok? Why are you sweating?”
Ars Alan smiled and said, “You will find out soon”.
We then turned to Billy Boy to ask him what happened.
Billy Boy said, “Well, as we were buying lunch, 3 tall and muscular guys came. One of them laughed at Ars Alan and asked him if he remembered the beating. Those guys were really tall and much, much heavier then Ars Alan. But… The next thing I saw was that Ars Alan punched the guy in the face who was laughing. The guy instantly fell. Then Ars Alan started kicking the other 2 guys. He was really fast. He was hitting them at a lightning fast speed”.
No wonder why Billy Boy was quiet and not making fun of Ars Alan anymore. He was scared that Ars Alan would beat him up too.
Billy Boy continued, “Those guys couldn’t even touch Ars Alan. Man… This guy is really fast and dangerous”.
We all looked at Ars Alan at the same time. He was smiling.
We were calling him a boy the other day, but no one messes with him now except me as we are two cool people.
Well, he finally took revenge… and he made those guys pay back right outside our logo design office.
When we first heard that Ars Alan was beaten, we all were shocked. Why? Well, because Ars Alan is a vicious fighter, I tell you. It was due to pain in his ankle that he couldn’t teach a good lesson to those guys.
He once had a fight at a bus stop near his friend’s house where he alone beat 4 guys and one of them even had a knife.
So, the other day, we all were doing our work. All of a sudden, Billy Boy said to Ars Alan, “So, Ars Alan, did your wounds heal yet?”
Ars Alan looked at him, but didn’t say anything.
Billy Boy smiled with his eyes closed, like this:

Ars Alan ignored him.
Then… the lunch hour came. Ars Alan got up and left the office to buy some food. Billy Boy followed him, so he would make fun of Ars Alan and buy some food as well.
Usually they return within 15-20 minutes, but that day it took them 40-45 minutes. When Ars Alan walked-in, he was sweating, but he had a smile on his face. Billy Boy was serious and quiet as though it’s been years since he smiled or laughed.
Sara asked Ars Alan, “What happened? Is everything ok? Why are you sweating?”
Ars Alan smiled and said, “You will find out soon”.
We then turned to Billy Boy to ask him what happened.
Billy Boy said, “Well, as we were buying lunch, 3 tall and muscular guys came. One of them laughed at Ars Alan and asked him if he remembered the beating. Those guys were really tall and much, much heavier then Ars Alan. But… The next thing I saw was that Ars Alan punched the guy in the face who was laughing. The guy instantly fell. Then Ars Alan started kicking the other 2 guys. He was really fast. He was hitting them at a lightning fast speed”.
No wonder why Billy Boy was quiet and not making fun of Ars Alan anymore. He was scared that Ars Alan would beat him up too.
Billy Boy continued, “Those guys couldn’t even touch Ars Alan. Man… This guy is really fast and dangerous”.
We all looked at Ars Alan at the same time. He was smiling.
We were calling him a boy the other day, but no one messes with him now except me as we are two cool people.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Billy Boy Became Unconscious in Logo Design Office
As I walked into my department in the morning, I saw a weird (kind of big) fly, flying all around Billy Boy’s desk. Billy Boy is a big man and due to his pot belly he is also known as a Belly Boy, but he seemed scared of the little fly.
I realized that he must have brought it inside our logo design office with him. He must have climbed his neighbor’s tree to steal some apples, and from there, probably, the fly either chased him or sat in his pocket.
He asked me to kill the fly, but I said No to him.
I said, “Billy Boy, why are you asking me to kill the poor fly? Why don’t you do the honor?”
Billy Boy replied, “I am scared of it. It looks ugly”.
Mr. Right, with an evil grin on his face, said, “Well, Billy Boy, you aren’t pretty either”.
Billy Boy looked at Mr. Right angrily, but didn’t say anything. May be Billy Boy realized that Mr. Right was actually right.
Ars Alan said, “Hey, why don’t you crush it with your Belly… You Belly Boy… Hahahaha…”
Sunny laughed and said to Ars Alan, “You are the man. Keep it up!”
Belly Boy… I mean, Billy Boy, was looking at everyone angrily, but since they all were right, he couldn’t argue with anyone.
Then, the door opened, Sara and I.D. walked-in. They both looked at the weird fly, they both got scared, they both screamed and then both of them ran out of the room instantly.
Billy Boy was unable to concentrate on work as the fly was flying around his desk.
So, as I am a nice person, I thought about helping him out. I asked one of the peons to bring a Bug-Killer Spray to kill the fly. He did and within a few minutes the fly fell and, alas, passed away. When Billy Boy saw this he took a deep breath. We asked Sara and I.D. to come in as the fly was dead.
We all then began our work again and then within two minutes, we heard a loud noise. We saw Billy Boy lying on the floor face-up and his eyes were closed. He had fallen from his seat and he was unconscious.
“What happened? How did he fall?” You may ask.
Well, our peon had emptied out half of the spray bottle to kill the fly. After the fly died, Billy Boy took a deep breath and inhaled some hazardous gas. It harmed him a little, he became unconscious and fell.
However, the spray was supposed to be hazardous for insects and flies, but not for humans.
So, Mr. Right looked at Billy Boy and said, “May be he is an alien, like we saw in Man in Black. You know the big roach. This is why he was affected by the spray.”
Sunny laughed and said, “You are the man. Keep it up!”
Well, then, within half an hour, everything was back to normal.
I realized that he must have brought it inside our logo design office with him. He must have climbed his neighbor’s tree to steal some apples, and from there, probably, the fly either chased him or sat in his pocket.
He asked me to kill the fly, but I said No to him.
I said, “Billy Boy, why are you asking me to kill the poor fly? Why don’t you do the honor?”
Billy Boy replied, “I am scared of it. It looks ugly”.
Mr. Right, with an evil grin on his face, said, “Well, Billy Boy, you aren’t pretty either”.
Billy Boy looked at Mr. Right angrily, but didn’t say anything. May be Billy Boy realized that Mr. Right was actually right.
Ars Alan said, “Hey, why don’t you crush it with your Belly… You Belly Boy… Hahahaha…”
Sunny laughed and said to Ars Alan, “You are the man. Keep it up!”
Belly Boy… I mean, Billy Boy, was looking at everyone angrily, but since they all were right, he couldn’t argue with anyone.
Then, the door opened, Sara and I.D. walked-in. They both looked at the weird fly, they both got scared, they both screamed and then both of them ran out of the room instantly.
Billy Boy was unable to concentrate on work as the fly was flying around his desk.
So, as I am a nice person, I thought about helping him out. I asked one of the peons to bring a Bug-Killer Spray to kill the fly. He did and within a few minutes the fly fell and, alas, passed away. When Billy Boy saw this he took a deep breath. We asked Sara and I.D. to come in as the fly was dead.
We all then began our work again and then within two minutes, we heard a loud noise. We saw Billy Boy lying on the floor face-up and his eyes were closed. He had fallen from his seat and he was unconscious.
“What happened? How did he fall?” You may ask.
Well, our peon had emptied out half of the spray bottle to kill the fly. After the fly died, Billy Boy took a deep breath and inhaled some hazardous gas. It harmed him a little, he became unconscious and fell.
However, the spray was supposed to be hazardous for insects and flies, but not for humans.
So, Mr. Right looked at Billy Boy and said, “May be he is an alien, like we saw in Man in Black. You know the big roach. This is why he was affected by the spray.”
Sunny laughed and said, “You are the man. Keep it up!”
Well, then, within half an hour, everything was back to normal.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sunny’s First and Painful Day in Logo Design Office
It’s time I introduce you to our new SEO guy Sunny. Sunny just joined our logo design office and we are glad to have him on board.
Sunny is a nice and friendly person and he likes to laugh when he cracks jokes, even if they are not funny. It seems like as if he loves to open his mouth and show us his teeth.
At times, we wonder: Why is he laughing?
He has one weird habit. When he sees two people argue, he says to one of them, “You are the man. You have beaten him badly in conversation. Keep it up!”
Since we are a bunch of smart people, we say to him, “Get a life Sunny Bunny, we aren’t trying to beat anyone here.” … In response, he would open his mouth and show us his teeth again.
But… Alas! He didn’t know that his laughs will turn into a painful cry. He didn’t know that a creepy nightmare awaited him on his first day at work… Poor fellow didn’t know he would have a debate with Mr. Right.
So… Finally, the day came. Sunny came in, said Hi to all of us and went to his seat. He turned on his computer and started checking out some websites.
Sara told Sunny to have a chat with Mr. Right, so Mr. Right would give him a brief overview of our sites.
So, after they introduced each other, Mr. Right showed him a few blogs and sites. Within a few minutes, their first argument began. It was on “duplicate content” that whether article directories are useful or not.
Whenever Sunny tried to explain something to Mr. Right, Mr. Right always calmly interrupted him and said his favorite sentence, “No, no, no Sunny, you are not right, this is incorrect.”
We were really enjoying their conversation and we could see how Sunny’s face was turning red. Mr. Right was still calm.
Then, they started talking about blogging and fresh content. Again, they had an argument. Mr. Right always completed his argument and whenever Sunny tried to explain something, Mr. Right calmly repeated his sentence, “No, no, no Sunny, you are not right, this is incorrect.”
We, in the Marketing Department, were doing our work as well as enjoying their conversation.
Then… All of a sudden… We saw something totally astonishing.
Sunny started banging his head on the table. He was hitting his head really hard. Mr. Right said to him, “No, no, no Sunny, this is not right, this is incorrect.”
Then Sunny stood up immediately and kicked his chair. His face was red and we could see water in his eyes.
Sunny then looked at the brick wall right in front of him.
S.Z. realized that Sunny would bump his head into the wall, so S.Z. ran and grabbed him by his shoulders.
Sunny screamed, “Let me go, I wanna die, I wanna die.”
Mr. Right also stood up and grabbed his hand and said, “No, no, no Sunny, this is not right, this is incorrect.”
Sunny screamed, “SHUT UP! You are a psycho you know that. I don’t want to see your face. Don’t talk to me. Can someone just shoot me?” Sunny was literally crying.
Mr. Right said, “No…” But before he could complete his sentence, I put my hand on Mr. Right’s shoulder and said, “Forgive the man… Will ya?”
Mr. Right looked at me, smiled and went to his seat.
We had to calm Sunny down. He was crying and water was coming out of his eyes and nose.
So, the rest of the day passed smoothly. The next day, Friday, Sunny left early and on Saturday he never showed up. We thought we would never see him again. But, we were happy to see him again on Monday.
He stays miles away from Mr. Right now, but we are glad he is still part of our team.
Sunny is a nice and friendly person and he likes to laugh when he cracks jokes, even if they are not funny. It seems like as if he loves to open his mouth and show us his teeth.
At times, we wonder: Why is he laughing?
He has one weird habit. When he sees two people argue, he says to one of them, “You are the man. You have beaten him badly in conversation. Keep it up!”
Since we are a bunch of smart people, we say to him, “Get a life Sunny Bunny, we aren’t trying to beat anyone here.” … In response, he would open his mouth and show us his teeth again.
But… Alas! He didn’t know that his laughs will turn into a painful cry. He didn’t know that a creepy nightmare awaited him on his first day at work… Poor fellow didn’t know he would have a debate with Mr. Right.
So… Finally, the day came. Sunny came in, said Hi to all of us and went to his seat. He turned on his computer and started checking out some websites.
Sara told Sunny to have a chat with Mr. Right, so Mr. Right would give him a brief overview of our sites.
So, after they introduced each other, Mr. Right showed him a few blogs and sites. Within a few minutes, their first argument began. It was on “duplicate content” that whether article directories are useful or not.
Whenever Sunny tried to explain something to Mr. Right, Mr. Right always calmly interrupted him and said his favorite sentence, “No, no, no Sunny, you are not right, this is incorrect.”
We were really enjoying their conversation and we could see how Sunny’s face was turning red. Mr. Right was still calm.
Then, they started talking about blogging and fresh content. Again, they had an argument. Mr. Right always completed his argument and whenever Sunny tried to explain something, Mr. Right calmly repeated his sentence, “No, no, no Sunny, you are not right, this is incorrect.”
We, in the Marketing Department, were doing our work as well as enjoying their conversation.
Then… All of a sudden… We saw something totally astonishing.
Sunny started banging his head on the table. He was hitting his head really hard. Mr. Right said to him, “No, no, no Sunny, this is not right, this is incorrect.”
Then Sunny stood up immediately and kicked his chair. His face was red and we could see water in his eyes.
Sunny then looked at the brick wall right in front of him.
S.Z. realized that Sunny would bump his head into the wall, so S.Z. ran and grabbed him by his shoulders.
Sunny screamed, “Let me go, I wanna die, I wanna die.”
Mr. Right also stood up and grabbed his hand and said, “No, no, no Sunny, this is not right, this is incorrect.”
Sunny screamed, “SHUT UP! You are a psycho you know that. I don’t want to see your face. Don’t talk to me. Can someone just shoot me?” Sunny was literally crying.
Mr. Right said, “No…” But before he could complete his sentence, I put my hand on Mr. Right’s shoulder and said, “Forgive the man… Will ya?”
Mr. Right looked at me, smiled and went to his seat.
We had to calm Sunny down. He was crying and water was coming out of his eyes and nose.
So, the rest of the day passed smoothly. The next day, Friday, Sunny left early and on Saturday he never showed up. We thought we would never see him again. But, we were happy to see him again on Monday.
He stays miles away from Mr. Right now, but we are glad he is still part of our team.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Ars Alan Was Badly Beaten Because of a Logo Design
You all are now familiar with Mr. Right, Sara, S.Z, I.D., and Billy Boy. I think it’s about time I introduce you to our SEO guy Ars Alan.
He is a very nice and friendly person. He got engaged last month and he didn’t invite any of us, just like S.Z. (I wonder why people are so stingy these days). Even though we have repeatedly asked him to bring some refreshments to work, but he just smiles, nods his head and doesn’t say anything. But, still, we think of him as a nice person.
Speaking of smiling and nodding… This is probably his favorite habit. You will see him do that when you ask him something.
For example, let’s say you ask him, “Hey Ars Alan, how did you improve the site ranking on that competitive keyword?”
In response Ars Alan will smile, nod his head and say, “You will learn one day”.
No matter what question you ask him, this is how he will respond, as if he holds a PhD in that particular area.
Mr. Right rightly responds in such a situation by saying, “Yeah, yeah, don’t tell us… we’ve got Google”. (By the way, Mr. Right has a similar habit as well)
So, anyway… The other day Ars Alan sent a text message to S.Z. that he has pain in his ankle and he won’t be able to come to work.
As soon as Ars Alan sent the message, he received a call from his friend. His friend is doing a website design and logo design course from a reputable institute and wanted to show some of his latest logo designs to Ars Alan. Luckily, Ars Alan was at home and his friend’s house was not far away either.
So, Ars Alan told him that he would be there within half an hour as he will walk slowly because of pain. Ars Alan left the house within 10-15 minutes.
As he was walking down the street, he noticed that a girl in front of him was limping too. He felt sorry for her. Then, all of a sudden, she stopped, turned around and looked at Ars Alan angrily. To show sympathy Ars Alan looked at her and smiled.
She ignored his smile and continued walking. Ars Alan started walking too. After a few seconds, she stopped again, turned around and yelled at him, “What the heck do you think you are doing pretty boy? Are you trying to make fun of me by imitating me?”
Before Ars Alan could say anything, a car stopped right there. Two tall, muscular guys came out. One of them asked the girl, “What’s up sis… Why you look so angry?”
She said angrily, “Bro… This punk has been chasing me and making fun of me by imitating the way I am walking”.
Both guys looked at Ars Alan angrily and walked towards him.
Ars Alan said, “Hey guys, wait, let me explain… The thing is…” and before he could complete his sentence one guy punched him in the face and the other one kicked him.
Well… Let’s not discuss what happened after that... and… Let’s just feel sorry for Ars Alan for getting brutally beaten by two tall, muscular guys.
Even though Ars Alan’s grandfather was a professional wrestler and had taught him some techniques too, like how to hit on thighs to make your opponent fall and things like that, but Ars Alan couldn’t apply any techniques.
Ars Alan wished he had not left the house to see the logo designs.
But, still, he is a strong man and he came to work the next day. I hope his wounds heal soon.
He is a very nice and friendly person. He got engaged last month and he didn’t invite any of us, just like S.Z. (I wonder why people are so stingy these days). Even though we have repeatedly asked him to bring some refreshments to work, but he just smiles, nods his head and doesn’t say anything. But, still, we think of him as a nice person.
Speaking of smiling and nodding… This is probably his favorite habit. You will see him do that when you ask him something.
For example, let’s say you ask him, “Hey Ars Alan, how did you improve the site ranking on that competitive keyword?”
In response Ars Alan will smile, nod his head and say, “You will learn one day”.
No matter what question you ask him, this is how he will respond, as if he holds a PhD in that particular area.
Mr. Right rightly responds in such a situation by saying, “Yeah, yeah, don’t tell us… we’ve got Google”. (By the way, Mr. Right has a similar habit as well)
So, anyway… The other day Ars Alan sent a text message to S.Z. that he has pain in his ankle and he won’t be able to come to work.
As soon as Ars Alan sent the message, he received a call from his friend. His friend is doing a website design and logo design course from a reputable institute and wanted to show some of his latest logo designs to Ars Alan. Luckily, Ars Alan was at home and his friend’s house was not far away either.
So, Ars Alan told him that he would be there within half an hour as he will walk slowly because of pain. Ars Alan left the house within 10-15 minutes.
As he was walking down the street, he noticed that a girl in front of him was limping too. He felt sorry for her. Then, all of a sudden, she stopped, turned around and looked at Ars Alan angrily. To show sympathy Ars Alan looked at her and smiled.
She ignored his smile and continued walking. Ars Alan started walking too. After a few seconds, she stopped again, turned around and yelled at him, “What the heck do you think you are doing pretty boy? Are you trying to make fun of me by imitating me?”
Before Ars Alan could say anything, a car stopped right there. Two tall, muscular guys came out. One of them asked the girl, “What’s up sis… Why you look so angry?”
She said angrily, “Bro… This punk has been chasing me and making fun of me by imitating the way I am walking”.
Both guys looked at Ars Alan angrily and walked towards him.
Ars Alan said, “Hey guys, wait, let me explain… The thing is…” and before he could complete his sentence one guy punched him in the face and the other one kicked him.
Well… Let’s not discuss what happened after that... and… Let’s just feel sorry for Ars Alan for getting brutally beaten by two tall, muscular guys.
Even though Ars Alan’s grandfather was a professional wrestler and had taught him some techniques too, like how to hit on thighs to make your opponent fall and things like that, but Ars Alan couldn’t apply any techniques.
Ars Alan wished he had not left the house to see the logo designs.
But, still, he is a strong man and he came to work the next day. I hope his wounds heal soon.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Party in Logo Design Office
April 1, 2010, a memorable day for logo design office. Why? Well, 5 of our colleagues (Tem is one of them) threw a party and invited the entire logo design office. Since they invited us on April 1st, we first had doubts about their… Plan. But, they convinced us that they were not lying.
They threw the party, because recently they have been offered a permanent position in our logo design office due to their excellent performance (Keep it up folks).
Several things were witnessed during the party that I want to share here with those who couldn’t attend. They missed lots of scrumptious rice and chicken.
Anyway, so, all of the colleagues, who threw the party, are jolly fellows. So, lots of associates in our logo design office had doubts that if they would really spend a lot of money on food for dozens of employees.
Considering the situation, Zee Shake came to me and said, “Hey, do you think they will really buy so much food?”
I said, “Let’s hope so and let’s hope they don’t bring food from charity, because I don’t trust Tem”.
Billy Boy smiled with his eyes closed and said, “I hope your stomach is fine today Zee Shake. Let’s not make us leave the cafeteria. If you know what I mean”.
Anyway, one confidential source told me that Danny (he is one of the 5 colleagues) was responsible for observing who eats how many pieces of chicken.
It was first going to be the responsibility of Aamir (he is also one of the 5 colleagues) to observe, but since he has a weak heart, he would’t be able to bear the fact that one person eats many pieces of chicken. He wouldn’t like to see his lots of hard-earned money going only into 1 stomach. So, Danny was asked to do the job to prevent Aamir from getting a heart attack.
It sounds strange to do something like that, but I tell you, it was a good strategy. Why? Well, when we have people like S.Z. among us, we have to consider such things.
S.Z. filled up his plate, ate it all, asked for a refill, ate it all again, took some rice from Sara’s plate and then took more rice and chicken from others’ plates as well.
Not only this, S.Z. also had a plastic bag in his pocket so he would take rice and chicken for his father-in-law to show what a nice son he is.
But, as Danny was watching closely, S.Z. couldn’t manage to succeed in his plan.
Another important thing I must share with you is something I saw for the first time. Well, it was our HR guy (I don’t want to mention his name due to privacy reasons). No, not that I saw him for the first time. It’s that, I saw him smile and laugh for the first time.
Yes, seriously, after eating, he was literally laughing and smiling. He looked really happy. He didn’t have a fake smile on his face.
I wish I could take his picture, so we could hang it on the wall and others could see him laughing too. This is what good food can do to even serious people.
Trick Question: Who was the first person to get food?
Take a guess!
Can’t guess? Do you give up?
Well, he was no other than our Finance guy. He is always rushing. When he comes to work, he says, “Let’s get the work done fast, we will get off shortly”.
Seriously, anything we have to start, he always wants to rush. I really admire him because this is how fast people of the 21st century should be. Hmmm…
So, anyway… Thanks guys and keep up the good work.
All the best!
They threw the party, because recently they have been offered a permanent position in our logo design office due to their excellent performance (Keep it up folks).
Several things were witnessed during the party that I want to share here with those who couldn’t attend. They missed lots of scrumptious rice and chicken.
Anyway, so, all of the colleagues, who threw the party, are jolly fellows. So, lots of associates in our logo design office had doubts that if they would really spend a lot of money on food for dozens of employees.
Considering the situation, Zee Shake came to me and said, “Hey, do you think they will really buy so much food?”
I said, “Let’s hope so and let’s hope they don’t bring food from charity, because I don’t trust Tem”.
Billy Boy smiled with his eyes closed and said, “I hope your stomach is fine today Zee Shake. Let’s not make us leave the cafeteria. If you know what I mean”.
Anyway, one confidential source told me that Danny (he is one of the 5 colleagues) was responsible for observing who eats how many pieces of chicken.
It was first going to be the responsibility of Aamir (he is also one of the 5 colleagues) to observe, but since he has a weak heart, he would’t be able to bear the fact that one person eats many pieces of chicken. He wouldn’t like to see his lots of hard-earned money going only into 1 stomach. So, Danny was asked to do the job to prevent Aamir from getting a heart attack.
It sounds strange to do something like that, but I tell you, it was a good strategy. Why? Well, when we have people like S.Z. among us, we have to consider such things.
S.Z. filled up his plate, ate it all, asked for a refill, ate it all again, took some rice from Sara’s plate and then took more rice and chicken from others’ plates as well.
Not only this, S.Z. also had a plastic bag in his pocket so he would take rice and chicken for his father-in-law to show what a nice son he is.
But, as Danny was watching closely, S.Z. couldn’t manage to succeed in his plan.
Another important thing I must share with you is something I saw for the first time. Well, it was our HR guy (I don’t want to mention his name due to privacy reasons). No, not that I saw him for the first time. It’s that, I saw him smile and laugh for the first time.
Yes, seriously, after eating, he was literally laughing and smiling. He looked really happy. He didn’t have a fake smile on his face.
I wish I could take his picture, so we could hang it on the wall and others could see him laughing too. This is what good food can do to even serious people.
Trick Question: Who was the first person to get food?
Take a guess!
Can’t guess? Do you give up?
Well, he was no other than our Finance guy. He is always rushing. When he comes to work, he says, “Let’s get the work done fast, we will get off shortly”.
Seriously, anything we have to start, he always wants to rush. I really admire him because this is how fast people of the 21st century should be. Hmmm…
So, anyway… Thanks guys and keep up the good work.
All the best!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
S.Z.’s Sad Day in Logo Design Office
As I walked into my department, I saw S.Z., as always, on his seat. However, today, he was not smiling and thinking about his marriage. Instead, he was staring at the logo design on his keyboard and he seemed really sad. I wondered what happened to him.
I said Hi to him and went to my seat. Then, after a few minutes, I thought I should ask him what happened. I wanted to ensure that everything was fine.
So, I went to him and asked, “What’s up mate? Why you look so sad today?”
He looked at me and said, “I have been sad for past few days. Actually, I felt bad when I.D. told us his story that how he was playing with his daughter and broke the vase”.
I said, “Yes, it shouldn’t have happened. He told me the vase was really expensive”.
S.Z. said, “No, it’s not the vase that is making me sad. What made me sad was the fact that I.D. is younger than me and he is married and I am not. I didn’t know he was married until I heard his story. I mean no offense, but look at him… you know what he looks like when he laughs and claps”.
S.Z. continued, “I am older than him, I have been going to gym for past few years, I am in much better shape than I.D., but I am still not married. I am the only unmarried man in the department”. He seemed really sad.
To console him I said, “That’s not true. Ars Alan is not married either. He just got engaged last month”.
S.Z. replied, “Yes, true, but didn’t you notice that he is 6 years younger than me? He is not a man, he is a boy”.
I felt sorry for S.Z. now.
S.Z. sighed and said, “I have been trying to get married for past few years. May be, it’s because of my braces that my proposals were always rejected”.
I said, “I don’t think so. It’s a lame excuse. But, anyway, at least you are engaged now, so probably braces have nothing to do with it. By the way, does your father-in-law wear glasses?”
S.Z. said, “Yes, he does and he wears really thick glasses, thicker than I.D.’s glasses”.
Now I realized that may be S.Z. was right and due to weak eyes his father-in-law couldn’t see him properly and accidentally gave approval.
But, as I am a nice person, I couldn’t say this to him. So, to console him again, I said, “Whatever happens S.Z., it happens for good. May be your marriage was delayed so you could find the perfect life partner. Aren’t you happy that your life after marriage will be good and peaceful?”
S.Z. thought about something for a second and said, “Yes, you are right. I didn’t look at the bright side of it. You always help me with your extraordinary advice. You are indeed a genius”.
S.Z. looked happy now.
I said, “Mention not S.Z. Start smiling and start thinking about your marriage again”.
I went back to my seat and S.Z. began smiling again. I was glad I had managed to turn his sad day into a happy day.
I said Hi to him and went to my seat. Then, after a few minutes, I thought I should ask him what happened. I wanted to ensure that everything was fine.
So, I went to him and asked, “What’s up mate? Why you look so sad today?”
He looked at me and said, “I have been sad for past few days. Actually, I felt bad when I.D. told us his story that how he was playing with his daughter and broke the vase”.
I said, “Yes, it shouldn’t have happened. He told me the vase was really expensive”.
S.Z. said, “No, it’s not the vase that is making me sad. What made me sad was the fact that I.D. is younger than me and he is married and I am not. I didn’t know he was married until I heard his story. I mean no offense, but look at him… you know what he looks like when he laughs and claps”.
S.Z. continued, “I am older than him, I have been going to gym for past few years, I am in much better shape than I.D., but I am still not married. I am the only unmarried man in the department”. He seemed really sad.
To console him I said, “That’s not true. Ars Alan is not married either. He just got engaged last month”.
S.Z. replied, “Yes, true, but didn’t you notice that he is 6 years younger than me? He is not a man, he is a boy”.
I felt sorry for S.Z. now.
S.Z. sighed and said, “I have been trying to get married for past few years. May be, it’s because of my braces that my proposals were always rejected”.
I said, “I don’t think so. It’s a lame excuse. But, anyway, at least you are engaged now, so probably braces have nothing to do with it. By the way, does your father-in-law wear glasses?”
S.Z. said, “Yes, he does and he wears really thick glasses, thicker than I.D.’s glasses”.
Now I realized that may be S.Z. was right and due to weak eyes his father-in-law couldn’t see him properly and accidentally gave approval.
But, as I am a nice person, I couldn’t say this to him. So, to console him again, I said, “Whatever happens S.Z., it happens for good. May be your marriage was delayed so you could find the perfect life partner. Aren’t you happy that your life after marriage will be good and peaceful?”
S.Z. thought about something for a second and said, “Yes, you are right. I didn’t look at the bright side of it. You always help me with your extraordinary advice. You are indeed a genius”.
S.Z. looked happy now.
I said, “Mention not S.Z. Start smiling and start thinking about your marriage again”.
I went back to my seat and S.Z. began smiling again. I was glad I had managed to turn his sad day into a happy day.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Our Logo Design Office Was Attacked By Insects
A few days ago, our logo design office was literally attacked by insects. It sounds strange and impossible, but it is really funny that there were little brown insects everywhere in our marketing department.
About two months ago, in the afternoon, we were doing our work and our boss came into our department with a box of scrumptious chocolates and candy bars in his hands. He said Hi to everyone and offered candies to all of us. (I took Bounty… Yummy)
Our boss looked around and noticed that something was missing. He wanted to make the department look really lively and awesome. So, he told Sara that we should have some plants in the department.
Within two days, we saw some really nice plants in our department. However, one plant near S.Z.’s desk dried really fast and I noticed that some leaves were incomplete too.
Here is how leaves looked everywhere:

Here is how they looked near S.Z.’s desk:

I wonder if S.Z. ate them.
May be this is how he got braces… that one day he tried to eat a stem and damaged his teeth.
What do you think?
Anyway… Everything was fine, and then one evening around 7:15pm, we noticed little brown insects everywhere on the floor. Only Sara, Ars Alan and I were in the department (we are some hard working people), everyone else had left already for the day.
We contacted the Admin department head, but he had gone too. When Sara saw this situation, she freaked out, picked up her bag and left. Luckily, I.D. wasn’t in the room. Otherwise, he would start jumping and crying. Anyway, so only Ars Alan and I were in the department with, of course, lots of uninvited insects.
Where did they come from?
We noticed that they were coming from one of the plants. They were probably born there. The plants have been in the department for almost 2 months now, but we never saw one single insect.
I had to stay late to complete some work. However, I was compelled to leave too. So, Ars Alan and I left, hoping that Admin department would get rid of the insects in the morning.
About two months ago, in the afternoon, we were doing our work and our boss came into our department with a box of scrumptious chocolates and candy bars in his hands. He said Hi to everyone and offered candies to all of us. (I took Bounty… Yummy)
Our boss looked around and noticed that something was missing. He wanted to make the department look really lively and awesome. So, he told Sara that we should have some plants in the department.
Within two days, we saw some really nice plants in our department. However, one plant near S.Z.’s desk dried really fast and I noticed that some leaves were incomplete too.
Here is how leaves looked everywhere:

Here is how they looked near S.Z.’s desk:

I wonder if S.Z. ate them.
May be this is how he got braces… that one day he tried to eat a stem and damaged his teeth.
What do you think?
Anyway… Everything was fine, and then one evening around 7:15pm, we noticed little brown insects everywhere on the floor. Only Sara, Ars Alan and I were in the department (we are some hard working people), everyone else had left already for the day.
We contacted the Admin department head, but he had gone too. When Sara saw this situation, she freaked out, picked up her bag and left. Luckily, I.D. wasn’t in the room. Otherwise, he would start jumping and crying. Anyway, so only Ars Alan and I were in the department with, of course, lots of uninvited insects.
Where did they come from?
We noticed that they were coming from one of the plants. They were probably born there. The plants have been in the department for almost 2 months now, but we never saw one single insect.
I had to stay late to complete some work. However, I was compelled to leave too. So, Ars Alan and I left, hoping that Admin department would get rid of the insects in the morning.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Zee Shake Broke his Fingers in Logo Design Office
Zee Shake’s stomach was very upset the other day and his presence in the office was not healthy for office environment. Luckily, we had lots of plants in the office to provide us with fresh oxygen. But, they weren’t even enough.
Let me tell you a little about Zee Shake first. He is our IT Network expert. He is a very nice and friendly person. No matter what you say to him, he will laugh, nod his head and say, “Oh Really? I see… Hehehe…”
Oh… by the way, do you know how we found out that Zee Shake’s stomach was upset? Actually, he has been in our department for past few days to fix some network problems and install more PCs.
Well, so, Mr. Right (a fellow writer) said to me, “Hey, did you notice that after every 20-30 minutes, Zee Shake gets up and leaves the room?”
I said, “Yes, I have been noticing that too. His face looks red too when he gets up (He is white, so red color looks really obvious)”.
Mr. Right said, “Let’s investigate where our Zee Shake goes. I hope he is not taking drugs”.
Sara said, “May be he is taking drugs, there is this weird smell everywhere in the office”.
So… We thought about investigating. As we were discussing what to do, Zee Shake returned, so we stopped talking and continued our work.
Then, after about 25 minutes, Zee Shake got up and left the room quickly. As planned, S.Z. followed him. S.Z. returned within a minute and said, “He went to the bathroom. It seems like his stomach is upset. It’s not the smell of drug everywhere, it’s something else… If you know what I mean”.
We all said, “Hmmm…”
No wonder why he always looked red when he left the room and looked fresh when he returned. We had wasted about 5 air fresheners already. There were more hazardous gases and carbon dioxide in the office than oxygen.
We decided to have some fun. We decided that next time when he goes, we all will follow him to the bathroom.
So, Zee Shake returned, looked all relieved and happy, and went to his seat. Then after about 20 minutes, I.D. got up and left the room. We thought I.D. wanted to welcome Zee Shake near the bathroom to have more fun.
Anyway, within 2-3 minutes, as usual, Zee Shake got up. We all got up too. He looked at us and wondered what was happening. He walked out of the room quickly and we followed him.
When we reached the bathroom, we didn’t find I.D. anywhere. He was already in the bathroom and the other bathroom was full too.
Zee Shake desperately said, “Ohhh No…”
Now, I.D. likes to spend a lot of quality time in the bathroom. As we have two bathrooms for men, we knew that I.D. would take his time.
Zee Shake’s face turned redder now.
S.Z. asked, “What’s up mate? Why you look all red? Is everything ok?”
Zee Shake replied, “Oh Yes Yes… Hehehe…”
Zee Shake seemed worried. He started walking here and there. Then after a minute, when he thought things would get out of control, he screamed, made a fist and punched the brick wall.
He punched the brick wall so hard that two of his fingers broke and he screamed even louder with pain. His scream was way too loud. Very extraordinary!
Immediately, one of the bathrooms opened and I.D. came out quickly, he looked worried and said, “What happened? What happened? Who screamed so loudly?”
Before we could respond, Zee Shake pushed I.D. away and ran into the bathroom. He continued to scream with pain in the bathroom too.
I felt sorry for him. Even though Billy Boy had told I.D. not to play with his colleagues’ stomach, I.D. still did it.
Zee Shake came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and we rushed him to the hospital which is not far away from our logo design office.
I hope his stomach and fingers get better soon.
Let me tell you a little about Zee Shake first. He is our IT Network expert. He is a very nice and friendly person. No matter what you say to him, he will laugh, nod his head and say, “Oh Really? I see… Hehehe…”
Oh… by the way, do you know how we found out that Zee Shake’s stomach was upset? Actually, he has been in our department for past few days to fix some network problems and install more PCs.
Well, so, Mr. Right (a fellow writer) said to me, “Hey, did you notice that after every 20-30 minutes, Zee Shake gets up and leaves the room?”
I said, “Yes, I have been noticing that too. His face looks red too when he gets up (He is white, so red color looks really obvious)”.
Mr. Right said, “Let’s investigate where our Zee Shake goes. I hope he is not taking drugs”.
Sara said, “May be he is taking drugs, there is this weird smell everywhere in the office”.
So… We thought about investigating. As we were discussing what to do, Zee Shake returned, so we stopped talking and continued our work.
Then, after about 25 minutes, Zee Shake got up and left the room quickly. As planned, S.Z. followed him. S.Z. returned within a minute and said, “He went to the bathroom. It seems like his stomach is upset. It’s not the smell of drug everywhere, it’s something else… If you know what I mean”.
We all said, “Hmmm…”
No wonder why he always looked red when he left the room and looked fresh when he returned. We had wasted about 5 air fresheners already. There were more hazardous gases and carbon dioxide in the office than oxygen.
We decided to have some fun. We decided that next time when he goes, we all will follow him to the bathroom.
So, Zee Shake returned, looked all relieved and happy, and went to his seat. Then after about 20 minutes, I.D. got up and left the room. We thought I.D. wanted to welcome Zee Shake near the bathroom to have more fun.
Anyway, within 2-3 minutes, as usual, Zee Shake got up. We all got up too. He looked at us and wondered what was happening. He walked out of the room quickly and we followed him.
When we reached the bathroom, we didn’t find I.D. anywhere. He was already in the bathroom and the other bathroom was full too.
Zee Shake desperately said, “Ohhh No…”
Now, I.D. likes to spend a lot of quality time in the bathroom. As we have two bathrooms for men, we knew that I.D. would take his time.
Zee Shake’s face turned redder now.
S.Z. asked, “What’s up mate? Why you look all red? Is everything ok?”
Zee Shake replied, “Oh Yes Yes… Hehehe…”
Zee Shake seemed worried. He started walking here and there. Then after a minute, when he thought things would get out of control, he screamed, made a fist and punched the brick wall.
He punched the brick wall so hard that two of his fingers broke and he screamed even louder with pain. His scream was way too loud. Very extraordinary!
Immediately, one of the bathrooms opened and I.D. came out quickly, he looked worried and said, “What happened? What happened? Who screamed so loudly?”
Before we could respond, Zee Shake pushed I.D. away and ran into the bathroom. He continued to scream with pain in the bathroom too.
I felt sorry for him. Even though Billy Boy had told I.D. not to play with his colleagues’ stomach, I.D. still did it.
Zee Shake came out of the bathroom after a few minutes and we rushed him to the hospital which is not far away from our logo design office.
I hope his stomach and fingers get better soon.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Billy Boy Tripped in Sainsbury’s and Landed in a Box
Billy Boy is our ever-smiling colleague. He is a Social Media Expert, an integral part of our Marketing team and a very nice and friendly person.
But… There is something I can’t understand about him and I have never asked him either.
Actually, he has small eyes and chubby cheeks. When he smiles, the upper part of his cheeks moves up towards his eyes and his eyes close. I wonder if he can see us while smiling.
Next time when he smiles, I think I should wave my hand right in front of his eyes.
So… Anyway, the other day our boss asked him to go and get some stuff from Sainsbury’s and then get the latest logo design book from WHSmith.
Billy Boy asked I.D. to come along. This way, Billy Boy would be able to make fun of I.D. that how he hides in the bathroom at home when he gets scared. But, still, I.D. said Ok.
Sainsbury’s is not too far away from our office. So, in the afternoon they went to Sainsbury’s to get the required stuff.
As they were walking and looking around, Billy Boy asked I.D., “So, I.D. tell me something, if Sara gets mad at you at work, will you go and hide in the bathroom in our office? Hahahahaha…” Billy Boy then started laughing with his eyes closed.
Billy Boy said, “Don’t hide in office bathroom, we only have two bathrooms for men in the office and they are not even enough. So, please don’t play with your colleagues stomachs by hiding in the bathroom. Hahahahaha….” He laughed louder than before and this time his chubby cheeks totally covered his small eyes.
Billy Boy kept on looking at I.D. and I.D. kept looking down with both hands in his pockets. He didn’t know what to say.
Then… all of a sudden… Billy Boy screamed loudly, tripped and fell. There was a carton box open in front of him and his face landed inside the box.
He looked somewhat like this:

I.D. started laughing loudly. I.D. held his stomach with left hand, pointed his right index finger at Billy Boy and kept on laughing loudly instead of helping him get up, like this:
Billy Boy had sprained his ankle and he was having trouble getting up. After a little effort, finally, he managed to get up. He was limping as he was having trouble walking.
So, how did Billy Boy fall?
Well, there was a small piece of mat on the floor that he didn’t see. So, he tripped over.
My personal opinion is that as he was laughing at I.D., his eyes were closed and he couldn’t see the mat.
But… I.D. had a completely different story to share with us.
I.D. said, “As we were walking, Billy Boy kept on looking at me and continued laughing. There was a kid in front of us with some mats in his hands. He dropped one of them and didn’t notice. As I was looking down, I saw it and I knew Billy Boy would step on it without noticing it. So, I just kept quiet. Then… the inevitable happened. It was so funny. Hahahahaha…” And then I.D. started laughing loudly.
Billy Boy returned to office without buying anything from Sainsbury’s or the logo design book from the bookstore.
I hope his ankle heals soon.
But… There is something I can’t understand about him and I have never asked him either.
Actually, he has small eyes and chubby cheeks. When he smiles, the upper part of his cheeks moves up towards his eyes and his eyes close. I wonder if he can see us while smiling.
Next time when he smiles, I think I should wave my hand right in front of his eyes.
So… Anyway, the other day our boss asked him to go and get some stuff from Sainsbury’s and then get the latest logo design book from WHSmith.
Billy Boy asked I.D. to come along. This way, Billy Boy would be able to make fun of I.D. that how he hides in the bathroom at home when he gets scared. But, still, I.D. said Ok.
Sainsbury’s is not too far away from our office. So, in the afternoon they went to Sainsbury’s to get the required stuff.
As they were walking and looking around, Billy Boy asked I.D., “So, I.D. tell me something, if Sara gets mad at you at work, will you go and hide in the bathroom in our office? Hahahahaha…” Billy Boy then started laughing with his eyes closed.
Billy Boy said, “Don’t hide in office bathroom, we only have two bathrooms for men in the office and they are not even enough. So, please don’t play with your colleagues stomachs by hiding in the bathroom. Hahahahaha….” He laughed louder than before and this time his chubby cheeks totally covered his small eyes.
Billy Boy kept on looking at I.D. and I.D. kept looking down with both hands in his pockets. He didn’t know what to say.
Then… all of a sudden… Billy Boy screamed loudly, tripped and fell. There was a carton box open in front of him and his face landed inside the box.
He looked somewhat like this:

I.D. started laughing loudly. I.D. held his stomach with left hand, pointed his right index finger at Billy Boy and kept on laughing loudly instead of helping him get up, like this:
Billy Boy had sprained his ankle and he was having trouble getting up. After a little effort, finally, he managed to get up. He was limping as he was having trouble walking.
So, how did Billy Boy fall?
Well, there was a small piece of mat on the floor that he didn’t see. So, he tripped over.
My personal opinion is that as he was laughing at I.D., his eyes were closed and he couldn’t see the mat.
But… I.D. had a completely different story to share with us.
I.D. said, “As we were walking, Billy Boy kept on looking at me and continued laughing. There was a kid in front of us with some mats in his hands. He dropped one of them and didn’t notice. As I was looking down, I saw it and I knew Billy Boy would step on it without noticing it. So, I just kept quiet. Then… the inevitable happened. It was so funny. Hahahahaha…” And then I.D. started laughing loudly.
Billy Boy returned to office without buying anything from Sainsbury’s or the logo design book from the bookstore.
I hope his ankle heals soon.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
How Did I.D. Slip in the Hallway Right After Sara?
Remember our soft-spoken E-Marketer I.D. (short white dude) who slipped in the hallway not too long ago? We asked him how he slipped and he told us his sad story.
Sara had already told us her story that she had slipped in the hallway because of a logo design. However, I.D. had a completely different story to share with us.
Let me tell you a little about him first.
He looks like a little mommy-daddy kind of kid. You know little kids in school who sit in the front row with oily and nicely combed hair and thick glasses and wear pants above their belly button?
He looks kind of like that. But… He is not little… He is in fact a married man.
So, anyway… here is how our discussion began:
S.Z. asked, “What happened to you I.D.? How did you slip?”
I.D. said, “Actually, my glasses broke yesterday and I didn’t notice, like Sara, that the floor was wet and I slipped too”.
I noticed that I.D. was not wearing his thick, black glasses that he had recently purchased.
I asked him, “Well, the floor was wet, but Sara slipped before you. Didn’t you even see her?”
I.D. said, “Yes, I saw her slip… but she looked so funny that I didn’t really bother thinking why she was slipping”. He looked embarrassed when he said that and he tried to control his smile too (Bad Boy). Sara looked at him angrily, but didn’t say anything.
W.Q. sighed, “I wish I could see her slip too”.
We all looked at W.Q. at the same time… It was not nice of him.
I asked I.D., “By the way, how did you break your glasses and how did you drive to work today?”
I.D. looked down and stuttered, “You know… public transport… I mean… that’s how I came”.
He didn’t tell us how he broke the glasses.
I realized something was fishy.
So, I asked again, “Well, fine. But, how did you break your glasses? You had just purchased them and they were expensive too”.
I.D. just kept looking down and didn’t say a word. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and told us how he broke his glasses.
I.D. said, “Actually, yesterday, I was playing with my little daughter and I accidentally hit and broke a really expensive and antique Vase. I got scared that my wife would get angry at me. So, I thought I should go and hide in the bathroom. This way, I would be able to put the blame on my little daughter that she broke it. Then, within 2-3 seconds, I heard my wife walking towards the room, so I ran fast towards the bathroom, opened the door and entered quickly, without realizing that the floor was wet. I slipped and broke the glasses”. He continued to look down and he looked really, really embarrassed.
We all tried to control our laugh, but Sara did smile to take the revenge. S.Z. also controlled his laugh and put his hand on I.D’s shoulder and tried to console him.
Poor I.D. slipped twice in 2 days. Luckily, his bones were safe and neither broke in the hallway nor in the bathroom.
Sara had already told us her story that she had slipped in the hallway because of a logo design. However, I.D. had a completely different story to share with us.
Let me tell you a little about him first.
He looks like a little mommy-daddy kind of kid. You know little kids in school who sit in the front row with oily and nicely combed hair and thick glasses and wear pants above their belly button?
He looks kind of like that. But… He is not little… He is in fact a married man.
So, anyway… here is how our discussion began:
S.Z. asked, “What happened to you I.D.? How did you slip?”
I.D. said, “Actually, my glasses broke yesterday and I didn’t notice, like Sara, that the floor was wet and I slipped too”.
I noticed that I.D. was not wearing his thick, black glasses that he had recently purchased.
I asked him, “Well, the floor was wet, but Sara slipped before you. Didn’t you even see her?”
I.D. said, “Yes, I saw her slip… but she looked so funny that I didn’t really bother thinking why she was slipping”. He looked embarrassed when he said that and he tried to control his smile too (Bad Boy). Sara looked at him angrily, but didn’t say anything.
W.Q. sighed, “I wish I could see her slip too”.
We all looked at W.Q. at the same time… It was not nice of him.
I asked I.D., “By the way, how did you break your glasses and how did you drive to work today?”
I.D. looked down and stuttered, “You know… public transport… I mean… that’s how I came”.
He didn’t tell us how he broke the glasses.
I realized something was fishy.
So, I asked again, “Well, fine. But, how did you break your glasses? You had just purchased them and they were expensive too”.
I.D. just kept looking down and didn’t say a word. After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and told us how he broke his glasses.
I.D. said, “Actually, yesterday, I was playing with my little daughter and I accidentally hit and broke a really expensive and antique Vase. I got scared that my wife would get angry at me. So, I thought I should go and hide in the bathroom. This way, I would be able to put the blame on my little daughter that she broke it. Then, within 2-3 seconds, I heard my wife walking towards the room, so I ran fast towards the bathroom, opened the door and entered quickly, without realizing that the floor was wet. I slipped and broke the glasses”. He continued to look down and he looked really, really embarrassed.
We all tried to control our laugh, but Sara did smile to take the revenge. S.Z. also controlled his laugh and put his hand on I.D’s shoulder and tried to console him.
Poor I.D. slipped twice in 2 days. Luckily, his bones were safe and neither broke in the hallway nor in the bathroom.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Friday, March 12, 2010
Mr. Right Got Bruises Because of a Logo Design
I think it’s about time I introduce you to my colleague (an experienced writer) N.Y. also known as Mr. Right. Why Mr. Right? Well, because he thinks whatever he says is right and what others say is always incorrect.
One day we were having a discussion that how in some countries pirated stuff is used and how wrong this practice is. N.Y said that it’s ok to download and watch pirated movies (from torrent), but it’s not good to read pirated books. (Actually, he likes to buy original books, but downloads movies from torrent websites. Hmmm…)
How did we respond to this? Well, we didn’t. Mr. Right would never listen to us.
One day he was having an argument with Mr. T (our Development Manager and an extremely experienced designer) about designing. He disagreed with Mr. T about some logo design and web design concepts and Mr. T felt that N.Y. just shook the foundation of this industry.
Whenever Mr. T tried to correct him, N.Y. always repeated his favorite sentence in a soft and girly tone, “No, no, no Mr. T, you are not right, this is incorrect”.
When we felt that Mr. T would now pick up a sharp knife, cut his own jugular vein and commit suicide, we changed the course of topic.
Anyway… The other day, our boss asked me to go and get some food for the staff. There is a really awesome fast food joint near our office, so I asked N.Y. if he would like to come with me. He said yes.
The weather was really nice. When we reached there, N.Y. told me he would stay outside and enjoy the weather. So, I walked-in to order lots of scrumptious food.
I was standing in the line, waiting for my turn, then… all of a sudden… I heard a loud noise of a girl, “Heeeee Haaaaa”. I turned around immediately to see (through large glasses) what happened outside and what I saw totally astonished me.
With “Heeeee Haaaaa” I saw a girl flying, with her kick pointing towards N.Y.’s face. She kicked him in the face and landed on the ground safely. N.Y. lost balance and hit the wall behind him and held his face with both hands.
As soon as N.Y. removed his hands from his face, he heard another “Heeeee Haaaaa” and experienced the taste of a powerful round-kick on his face. This time, he fell down.
Then the girl started kicking him. After a few seconds she left N.Y. crying on the ground.
I was totally spellbound. N.Y. is a tall and heavy guy, but his built was not good enough in front of a Ninjutsu expert.
I quickly went outside to see N.Y. His face was in terrible condition and he was crying like a baby and his nose was running too. It took N.Y. 10 minutes to hold his tears and wipe his nose completely. I then took him to a clinic nearby.
“What happened? Why did the girl beat him up so badly?” You may wonder and ask.
Well, I asked him too and he told me his painful story.
What happened was that when I went inside, N.Y. was standing near a bus stop and there was a really good logo design on the side wall of the waiting area.
N.Y. really liked it and said to himself in a normal voice, “Wow! Nice. Very attractive!”
There was this girl (Obviously a Ninjutsu expert) standing there and waiting for the bus. She thought he said this to her. So, she thought about teaching him a lesson… and she taught him a very good lesson. I think N.Y. will always keep his mouth shut in public now.
My personal opinion is that, she was not only a Ninjutsu expert, but could also judge people and their habits just by looking at them.
This is why she didn’t ask N.Y. why he said such a thing to her. Otherwise, Mr. Right would come up with a reason, “No, no, no, you are not right, this is incorrect” (this time it would be a right reason though as he was indeed looking at the logo design… as he told me… Hmmm…)
Anyway… we went back to the office without any food and with bruises on Mr. Right’s face.
I hope he gets better soon.
One day we were having a discussion that how in some countries pirated stuff is used and how wrong this practice is. N.Y said that it’s ok to download and watch pirated movies (from torrent), but it’s not good to read pirated books. (Actually, he likes to buy original books, but downloads movies from torrent websites. Hmmm…)
How did we respond to this? Well, we didn’t. Mr. Right would never listen to us.
One day he was having an argument with Mr. T (our Development Manager and an extremely experienced designer) about designing. He disagreed with Mr. T about some logo design and web design concepts and Mr. T felt that N.Y. just shook the foundation of this industry.
Whenever Mr. T tried to correct him, N.Y. always repeated his favorite sentence in a soft and girly tone, “No, no, no Mr. T, you are not right, this is incorrect”.
When we felt that Mr. T would now pick up a sharp knife, cut his own jugular vein and commit suicide, we changed the course of topic.
Anyway… The other day, our boss asked me to go and get some food for the staff. There is a really awesome fast food joint near our office, so I asked N.Y. if he would like to come with me. He said yes.
The weather was really nice. When we reached there, N.Y. told me he would stay outside and enjoy the weather. So, I walked-in to order lots of scrumptious food.
I was standing in the line, waiting for my turn, then… all of a sudden… I heard a loud noise of a girl, “Heeeee Haaaaa”. I turned around immediately to see (through large glasses) what happened outside and what I saw totally astonished me.
With “Heeeee Haaaaa” I saw a girl flying, with her kick pointing towards N.Y.’s face. She kicked him in the face and landed on the ground safely. N.Y. lost balance and hit the wall behind him and held his face with both hands.
As soon as N.Y. removed his hands from his face, he heard another “Heeeee Haaaaa” and experienced the taste of a powerful round-kick on his face. This time, he fell down.
Then the girl started kicking him. After a few seconds she left N.Y. crying on the ground.
I was totally spellbound. N.Y. is a tall and heavy guy, but his built was not good enough in front of a Ninjutsu expert.
I quickly went outside to see N.Y. His face was in terrible condition and he was crying like a baby and his nose was running too. It took N.Y. 10 minutes to hold his tears and wipe his nose completely. I then took him to a clinic nearby.
“What happened? Why did the girl beat him up so badly?” You may wonder and ask.
Well, I asked him too and he told me his painful story.
What happened was that when I went inside, N.Y. was standing near a bus stop and there was a really good logo design on the side wall of the waiting area.
N.Y. really liked it and said to himself in a normal voice, “Wow! Nice. Very attractive!”
There was this girl (Obviously a Ninjutsu expert) standing there and waiting for the bus. She thought he said this to her. So, she thought about teaching him a lesson… and she taught him a very good lesson. I think N.Y. will always keep his mouth shut in public now.
My personal opinion is that, she was not only a Ninjutsu expert, but could also judge people and their habits just by looking at them.
This is why she didn’t ask N.Y. why he said such a thing to her. Otherwise, Mr. Right would come up with a reason, “No, no, no, you are not right, this is incorrect” (this time it would be a right reason though as he was indeed looking at the logo design… as he told me… Hmmm…)
Anyway… we went back to the office without any food and with bruises on Mr. Right’s face.
I hope he gets better soon.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Tem Almost Gave a Heart Attack to Sara Because of a Logo Design
Tem (Tim with an ‘e’) is our skinny designer and he is jumping and laughing all the time (even though he is not so young). He especially teases our skilled Development guy Mr. S. Khan with some of his teammates (bad boys). How does S. Khan respond? Well, he only smiles and tries to come up with sharp answers, but, unfortunately, he seldom wins.
I wonder if S. Khan has any links with Changez Khan. I don’t know if they are from the same tribe. I don’t ask S. Khan because I am scared. Why am I scared? Well, what if he knows Kung-Fu?
Anyway… It was lunch time and I went to the cafeteria to have lunch. As usual, I saw Tem with his bad boys, making fun of S. Khan.
Actually, S. Khan is getting older and he is still not married. So, I think, Tem will continue to tease S. Khan until he gets married. I hope he gets married before all his hair turns white.
So… everyone was busy eating and talking. Then, one designer entered the cafeteria with a file in his hand. He gave the file to Tem who was sitting next to, of course, S. Khan. Tem opened the file and then with a loud scream he literally jumped high with his fist high in the air as though he had won an award or something.
His scream was so loud that Sara, who was sitting behind him, got scared and screamed louder than Tem. Our soft-spoken e-marketer I.D. (short white dude) was sitting in front of Sara. He got scared because of Sara’s scream and he screamed too. I.D. had a cup of tea in his hand, so his hand shivered and he spilled the hot tea on his shirt.
As Tem had jumped high, he came back to the seat with immense pressure and even though he is skinny, the chair still couldn’t resist the pressure and… it broke. Tem fell down on the floor and screamed even louder with pain.
Hearing Tem’s sudden, painful, scream, Sara again got scared and screamed again. I.D. was already screaming and jumping because of hot tea on his clothes.
It all happened within 5 to 10 seconds.
You don’t see this type of scene in office. However, you can see it in the zoo when one monkey screams and then other monkeys start screaming one-by-one.
Anyway… So, S. Khan tried to help Tem get up. But… I saw an evil grin on S. Khan’s face as though he was saying, “See, Tem, this is what happens when you mess with Chinese people”.
And Sara… Well, she was again in the state of shock. Her mouth and eyes were wide open and she was looking straight. She was in the same position as she was when she had slipped in the hallway not too long ago. Her color had turned completely white.
Luckily… the poor soul didn’t get a heart attack. We had to get Ms. Ann’s help again to help Sara come out of the comma again.
S.Z. helped I.D. cool down by throwing cold water on his clothes.
Tem’s loud scream really messed things up.
“But, why in the world did he scream?” You may ask.
Well, he had created a really, really complex logo design, keeping in view the creative brief of the client. The logo design took a lot of time and tons of creativity. In the file, there was a paper with a message from the client that the logo design was simply awesome and it just couldn’t get any better.
So, he got so excited that he unintentionally jumped and screamed with joy… which ultimately turned into a scream with pain… and almost gave a heart attack to Sara.
I wonder if S. Khan has any links with Changez Khan. I don’t know if they are from the same tribe. I don’t ask S. Khan because I am scared. Why am I scared? Well, what if he knows Kung-Fu?
Anyway… It was lunch time and I went to the cafeteria to have lunch. As usual, I saw Tem with his bad boys, making fun of S. Khan.
Actually, S. Khan is getting older and he is still not married. So, I think, Tem will continue to tease S. Khan until he gets married. I hope he gets married before all his hair turns white.
So… everyone was busy eating and talking. Then, one designer entered the cafeteria with a file in his hand. He gave the file to Tem who was sitting next to, of course, S. Khan. Tem opened the file and then with a loud scream he literally jumped high with his fist high in the air as though he had won an award or something.
His scream was so loud that Sara, who was sitting behind him, got scared and screamed louder than Tem. Our soft-spoken e-marketer I.D. (short white dude) was sitting in front of Sara. He got scared because of Sara’s scream and he screamed too. I.D. had a cup of tea in his hand, so his hand shivered and he spilled the hot tea on his shirt.
As Tem had jumped high, he came back to the seat with immense pressure and even though he is skinny, the chair still couldn’t resist the pressure and… it broke. Tem fell down on the floor and screamed even louder with pain.
Hearing Tem’s sudden, painful, scream, Sara again got scared and screamed again. I.D. was already screaming and jumping because of hot tea on his clothes.
It all happened within 5 to 10 seconds.
You don’t see this type of scene in office. However, you can see it in the zoo when one monkey screams and then other monkeys start screaming one-by-one.
Anyway… So, S. Khan tried to help Tem get up. But… I saw an evil grin on S. Khan’s face as though he was saying, “See, Tem, this is what happens when you mess with Chinese people”.
And Sara… Well, she was again in the state of shock. Her mouth and eyes were wide open and she was looking straight. She was in the same position as she was when she had slipped in the hallway not too long ago. Her color had turned completely white.
Luckily… the poor soul didn’t get a heart attack. We had to get Ms. Ann’s help again to help Sara come out of the comma again.
S.Z. helped I.D. cool down by throwing cold water on his clothes.
Tem’s loud scream really messed things up.
“But, why in the world did he scream?” You may ask.
Well, he had created a really, really complex logo design, keeping in view the creative brief of the client. The logo design took a lot of time and tons of creativity. In the file, there was a paper with a message from the client that the logo design was simply awesome and it just couldn’t get any better.
So, he got so excited that he unintentionally jumped and screamed with joy… which ultimately turned into a scream with pain… and almost gave a heart attack to Sara.
funny blog,
funny posts,
logo design,
office humor
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Sara Slipped in the Hallway Because of a Logo Design
As I walked into the office, I saw Mr. T (our Development Manager) put a file on Sara’s desk. S.Z. was smiling, looking at his LCD screen and typing something. Why wouldn’t he smile…? After all, he is getting married next year.
After putting the file on Sara’s table, Mr. T turned around, smiled, said Hi to me and walked out of the room. I said Hi to S.Z. and went to my seat. S.Z. nodded and continued his work.
After a few minutes, Sara walked-in with a cup of Tea in her hand and said Hi to everyone in the room. She turned on the computer and then started checking her emails. After about 10 minutes, she picked up the file, and opened it.
After a few seconds, she said, “Oh… Wow!” She stood up with the file in her hand and walked out of the room at a very fast speed while still looking at the paper in the file.
Within 2 to 3 seconds, we all were startled by Sara’s loud scream and then we heard as though something fell.
Before we could even get up, we heard a guy’s really loud scream and then another noise as though something big fell.
S.Z. and I walked out to see what really happened. What we saw totally astonished us.
Sara was lying on the floor face-up. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth and she was staring at the ceiling (she was in the state of shock). She was barely blinking her eyes. A few steps away from her, we saw our soft-spoken e-marketer I.D. in somewhat the same position.
Ms. Ann R. from HR department approached Sara and helped her get up. However, Sara’s mouth and eyes were still wide open and it seemed like as though she was in comma and unable to think.
S.Z. and W.Q. (our tall and skinny ex-marketing expert) helped I.D. get up.
Ms. Ann helped Sara sit on the chair in the hallway. Sara was looking straight now. Her hair looked messy and fluffy, more like what we see in cartoons and comedy movies when a bomb explodes in someone’s hands and their hair gets all fluffy and messy.
S.Z. looked at her and said, “She looks unconscious with her eyes open. What should we do?”
W.Q. replied, “I think we should give her electric shock, it may help”.
We all looked at W.Q. at the same time… It was not a good idea.
S.Z. said, “We don’t want to crack her bones”.
Anyway…After Ms. Ann’s consistent efforts, Sara became normal within half an hour and told us her story.
To make the story short…Here is what happened.
There was a logo design concept in the file and it was created just as Sara wanted. She was very happy to see it. After she walked out of the room while still looking at the logo design concept, she didn’t notice that the floor was just mopped and there was a warning sign on the floor: Wet Floor – Walk Carefully!
She walked fast, didn’t notice that the floor was wet and… Alas... she fell in the hallway.
Luckily, the poor soul didn’t break her elbow or any bones.
“Hey… What about I.D.? How did he slip?” You may wonder and ask.
We asked I.D. about it and…
Well… That’s another story that I will share with you all later.
After putting the file on Sara’s table, Mr. T turned around, smiled, said Hi to me and walked out of the room. I said Hi to S.Z. and went to my seat. S.Z. nodded and continued his work.
After a few minutes, Sara walked-in with a cup of Tea in her hand and said Hi to everyone in the room. She turned on the computer and then started checking her emails. After about 10 minutes, she picked up the file, and opened it.
After a few seconds, she said, “Oh… Wow!” She stood up with the file in her hand and walked out of the room at a very fast speed while still looking at the paper in the file.
Within 2 to 3 seconds, we all were startled by Sara’s loud scream and then we heard as though something fell.
Before we could even get up, we heard a guy’s really loud scream and then another noise as though something big fell.
S.Z. and I walked out to see what really happened. What we saw totally astonished us.
Sara was lying on the floor face-up. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth and she was staring at the ceiling (she was in the state of shock). She was barely blinking her eyes. A few steps away from her, we saw our soft-spoken e-marketer I.D. in somewhat the same position.
Ms. Ann R. from HR department approached Sara and helped her get up. However, Sara’s mouth and eyes were still wide open and it seemed like as though she was in comma and unable to think.
S.Z. and W.Q. (our tall and skinny ex-marketing expert) helped I.D. get up.
Ms. Ann helped Sara sit on the chair in the hallway. Sara was looking straight now. Her hair looked messy and fluffy, more like what we see in cartoons and comedy movies when a bomb explodes in someone’s hands and their hair gets all fluffy and messy.
S.Z. looked at her and said, “She looks unconscious with her eyes open. What should we do?”
W.Q. replied, “I think we should give her electric shock, it may help”.
We all looked at W.Q. at the same time… It was not a good idea.
S.Z. said, “We don’t want to crack her bones”.
Anyway…After Ms. Ann’s consistent efforts, Sara became normal within half an hour and told us her story.
To make the story short…Here is what happened.
There was a logo design concept in the file and it was created just as Sara wanted. She was very happy to see it. After she walked out of the room while still looking at the logo design concept, she didn’t notice that the floor was just mopped and there was a warning sign on the floor: Wet Floor – Walk Carefully!
She walked fast, didn’t notice that the floor was wet and… Alas... she fell in the hallway.
Luckily, the poor soul didn’t break her elbow or any bones.
“Hey… What about I.D.? How did he slip?” You may wonder and ask.
We asked I.D. about it and…
Well… That’s another story that I will share with you all later.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
S.Z.’s Engagement was Saved by a Logo Design
Do you remember my friend S.Z.?
Yes, the same friend who fell down the stairs not too long ago. Well, recently I heard that he is engaged. He got engaged sometime ago, but he never told me.
But, as I am a nice person, I didn’t mind and forgave him.
So, anyway, the other day, I was writing an article and S.Z. came to me. I was so engrossed in my work that I didn’t notice he was standing by my seat. To get my attention, he coughed.
I looked up and said, “Oh S.Z.! What’s up mate? What’s good in the hood?”
He said, “I need to discuss something with you”.
I realized something was not right.
I said, “Sure, have a seat. What happened? You seem to be worried?”
He said, “You know I told you last week about my engagement. Well, after engagement, my father-in-law lost a big business deal and his business is suffering badly now. My father-in-law’s health is not good either because of that”.
He continued, “They think I am a curse to their family and I think they will break the engagement”.
“Oh…” I felt sorry for S.Z. and I could see how hard he was trying to hold his tears.
“Tell me what to do” S.Z. said this and bit his lower lip to probably prevent tears from coming out of his eyes.
I said, “Listen S.Z.… It’s our job to help businesses increase their sales, build a corporate identity and create their business image professionally. If we can do this for our clients, can’t we do the same to save your engagement? Yes, we can and we will! So, don’t you worry mate”.
S.Z.’s eyes lit up and with utter excitement he said, “Yes! You are right. I was so worried that I didn’t even think about it. Yes, we can help my father-in-law’s business and save my engagement”.
Later, we had a meeting and we finalized a plan. S.Z.’s dull face (due to sadness) was now shining with joy. The plan was properly executed in a couple of days.
After a few days S.Z. came to me. He looked shy and his face was all red.
He said, “Thanks dude, your plan really helped me out. The logo design really gave a professional look to my father-in-law’s business and they are not surviving now, but thriving in today’s cut-throat competition”.
“That’s great mate. It means your engagement is saved” I said this with happiness as I was delighted to hear the news.
He said, “The news I wanted to give you was that not only my engagement is saved, I am in fact getting married in the beginning of 2011. I really want to thank you my friend for your help”.
Now, I realized why he looked so shy.
I congratulated him and said, “Don’t thank me mate. Thank the logo design that actually helped you save your engagement”.
So… now I look forward to his marriage. I hope he will invite me.
Yes, the same friend who fell down the stairs not too long ago. Well, recently I heard that he is engaged. He got engaged sometime ago, but he never told me.
But, as I am a nice person, I didn’t mind and forgave him.
So, anyway, the other day, I was writing an article and S.Z. came to me. I was so engrossed in my work that I didn’t notice he was standing by my seat. To get my attention, he coughed.
I looked up and said, “Oh S.Z.! What’s up mate? What’s good in the hood?”
He said, “I need to discuss something with you”.
I realized something was not right.
I said, “Sure, have a seat. What happened? You seem to be worried?”
He said, “You know I told you last week about my engagement. Well, after engagement, my father-in-law lost a big business deal and his business is suffering badly now. My father-in-law’s health is not good either because of that”.
He continued, “They think I am a curse to their family and I think they will break the engagement”.
“Oh…” I felt sorry for S.Z. and I could see how hard he was trying to hold his tears.
“Tell me what to do” S.Z. said this and bit his lower lip to probably prevent tears from coming out of his eyes.
I said, “Listen S.Z.… It’s our job to help businesses increase their sales, build a corporate identity and create their business image professionally. If we can do this for our clients, can’t we do the same to save your engagement? Yes, we can and we will! So, don’t you worry mate”.
S.Z.’s eyes lit up and with utter excitement he said, “Yes! You are right. I was so worried that I didn’t even think about it. Yes, we can help my father-in-law’s business and save my engagement”.
Later, we had a meeting and we finalized a plan. S.Z.’s dull face (due to sadness) was now shining with joy. The plan was properly executed in a couple of days.
After a few days S.Z. came to me. He looked shy and his face was all red.
He said, “Thanks dude, your plan really helped me out. The logo design really gave a professional look to my father-in-law’s business and they are not surviving now, but thriving in today’s cut-throat competition”.
“That’s great mate. It means your engagement is saved” I said this with happiness as I was delighted to hear the news.
He said, “The news I wanted to give you was that not only my engagement is saved, I am in fact getting married in the beginning of 2011. I really want to thank you my friend for your help”.
Now, I realized why he looked so shy.
I congratulated him and said, “Don’t thank me mate. Thank the logo design that actually helped you save your engagement”.
So… now I look forward to his marriage. I hope he will invite me.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Friend Fell Down the Stairs… Please Be Cautious!
S.Z. was not in the office and I was wondering what happened to him. He was punctual and always came to office before me.
Anyway… I went to my seat, turned on my computer and started my work. After a couple of hours, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, it was S.Z. calling me.
I received the call and said, “Howdy! My friend... Where have you disappeared without notice?”
But… after hearing S.Z.’s painful voice I realized something was not right.
He said, “You don’t want to know mate”.
He continued, “Please tell everyone in the department I won’t be coming in today. I fell down the stairs in the morning and my left foot has swelled up like a balloon”.
“ohhh…!” I felt sorry for him as he is a good friend of mine.
I said, “Don’t worry my friend… Just take good rest. I hope to see you soon”.
S.Z. came to office after 2 days and told us his story.
To make it short… you need to be careful otherwise you can fall down the stairs as well, just like S.Z.
As you go up -or- down, do not look here and there. If there are attractive graphic designs nearby, do not look at them.
Do not let an attractive logo design mesmerize you completely and make you lose your balance.
Always watch your steps!
Make sure you know where your feet are… otherwise you will also fall down the stairs… just like S.Z.
Anyway… I went to my seat, turned on my computer and started my work. After a couple of hours, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, it was S.Z. calling me.
I received the call and said, “Howdy! My friend... Where have you disappeared without notice?”
But… after hearing S.Z.’s painful voice I realized something was not right.
He said, “You don’t want to know mate”.
He continued, “Please tell everyone in the department I won’t be coming in today. I fell down the stairs in the morning and my left foot has swelled up like a balloon”.
“ohhh…!” I felt sorry for him as he is a good friend of mine.
I said, “Don’t worry my friend… Just take good rest. I hope to see you soon”.
S.Z. came to office after 2 days and told us his story.
To make it short… you need to be careful otherwise you can fall down the stairs as well, just like S.Z.
As you go up -or- down, do not look here and there. If there are attractive graphic designs nearby, do not look at them.
Do not let an attractive logo design mesmerize you completely and make you lose your balance.
Always watch your steps!
Make sure you know where your feet are… otherwise you will also fall down the stairs… just like S.Z.
Welcome to Logo Design Office - A Fun Blog for Fun
Hey Everyone,
Welcome to our Logo Design Office blog... Here I will share some interesting (may be funny) posts with you all... related to a logo design office.
If you want to read cool and fun (groovy) stuff, then this blog will serve the purpose.
If you need a top quality logo design or website design... Hey, we will provide you with a top quality design. There is no need to look further.
So... Have fun... and do share your stories with us as well.
Talk to you all later!
Welcome to our Logo Design Office blog... Here I will share some interesting (may be funny) posts with you all... related to a logo design office.
If you want to read cool and fun (groovy) stuff, then this blog will serve the purpose.
If you need a top quality logo design or website design... Hey, we will provide you with a top quality design. There is no need to look further.
So... Have fun... and do share your stories with us as well.
Talk to you all later!
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